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The collecting duct delivers urine to the ureter. It contains the toxic waste of the body.

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Q: What materials does the collecting duct deliver to the ureter?
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In order name the structures through which urine passes from the kidneys?

urine comes from the kidneys where it travels through the ureters and is stored i nthe bladder. it then passes through the urethra and out of the body. ps: urine is liquid waste. good luck hope i helped! collecting duct, renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, urethra

What is the larger and longer of the two lymphatic collecting ducts?

The larger and longer of the two lymphatic collecting ducts is the Thoracic Duct. The other collecting duct is the Right Lymphatic Duct. There are many lymphatic vessels in the body, all of which, like the blood vessels, start as tiny capillaries and gradually get larger as they get nearer to the heart, until they eventually merge into one of the two collecting ducts.

What is the material called that empties into collecting duct?

Impurities in the blood

What sequence shows the correct path of urine through the excretory system?

Only using the following: bladder, calix, collecting duct, distal convoluted tubule, glomerular capsule, glomerulus, nephron loop, proximal convoluted tubule, renal artery, renal pelvis, ureter, urethra, urethral meatus.

After passing through the proximal convoluted tubule urine filtrate flows where?

Afferent arteriole -> Glomeruli -> Bowman's capsule (ultrafiltration) -> PCT (Highly permeable to water and solutes, brush border enzymes) -> Loop of henle (descending: water permeable, ascending: solute permeable) -> Early PCT (solute permeable) -> Late PCT and cortical collecting duct (principal cell - permeability depends on hormones ADH and aldoesterone and intercalated cell: secrtes H+)-> Medullary collecting duct (principal cell) -> Ureter -> Bladder -> Urethra

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What are the female structures formed for the paramesonephric duct?

The male structures formed from the mesonephric duct are:* ductus epididymis * ductus deferens * ureter * pelvis, calyces, collecting tubules (in the kidneys) * ejaculatory duct * seminal vesicle

What structure conveys urine to the renal pelvis?

bowman's capsule. The collecting duct found in Bowman's Capsule passes the urine to the renal pelvis, which is drained by the ureter

How does waste leave the kidneys?

The waste leave the kidney through the nephrons, which separate waste materials, while waste in blood from capillaries, and the wastes all together through a collecting duct. Collecting ducts join together join into the ureter and the ureter leads the waste out of the kidneys, which veins carry the cleansed blood out of the kidney.

What kind of filtered materials are reabsorbed by the blood In the kidneys?

mainly glucose (in the renal tubule) and water (in the collecting duct)

Is the collecting duct the site that drains the distal convoluted tubule?

No, the collecting duct is the site where the filtrate from multiple nephrons is collected and the final adjustments to urine concentration are made. The distal convoluted tubule drains into the collecting duct.

What structure carries urine out of the kidney and where does its go?

Urine goes to the collecting duct then to the Renal Pelvis. Each kidney has one Ureter that carries Urine to the bladder. The urine from the kidneys flows down the ureters into the bladder and is then passed out of the body through the urethra.

How would problems in the collecting ducts of the nephrons cause kidney failure?

The collecting ducts are a series of small tubes inside the kidneys that funnel urine into therenal pelvis for drainage into the ureter. Once in the ureter, the urine can be pushed into the bladder for elimination. The structure of the kidneys is quite complex and includes a large number of these tubes in an interconnected drainage system. People with urinary tract disorders can potentially develop problems along part of the collecting ducts, and a kidney collecting duct issue can cause symptoms like difficulty urinating and edema.

What are the two collecting duct that drain the lymphatic trunks?

Thoracic duct and Right lymphatic duct.The two collecting ducts that drain the lymphatic system are the right and left subclavian veins.Thoracic duct and the right lymphatic duct.

In order name the structures through which urine passes from the kidneys?

urine comes from the kidneys where it travels through the ureters and is stored i nthe bladder. it then passes through the urethra and out of the body. ps: urine is liquid waste. good luck hope i helped! collecting duct, renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, urethra

What is the larger and longer of the two lymphatic collecting ducts?

The larger and longer of the two lymphatic collecting ducts is the Thoracic Duct. The other collecting duct is the Right Lymphatic Duct. There are many lymphatic vessels in the body, all of which, like the blood vessels, start as tiny capillaries and gradually get larger as they get nearer to the heart, until they eventually merge into one of the two collecting ducts.

Trace the flow of filtrate and urine through the urinary system?

The flow of filtrate and urine through the urinary system can be traced as follows: Glomerulus----> Capsular space---> Proximal convoluted tubule---> descending loop of Henle----> ascending loop of Henle---> distal convoluted tubule---> Collecting duct----> papillary duct------> minor calyce----> major calyce----> renal pelvis-----> ureters-----> urinary bladder-----> external urethral orifice

What is the liquid stored in the collecting duct of a nephron?
