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Q: What must be present for chlorophyll to exist in plants?
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What material is very important for all life plants use it to make food?

Chlorophyll. It is very important that all plants must have to make food

What chemical must be present in a cell for it to be able to carry out photosynthesis?

The presence of chlorophyll is vital in order for the plant to carry out photosynthesis. Of course, chloroplasts (an organelle found in most plant cells), must be present.

Is vacuole the site of photosynthesis?

The site of photosynthesis is the chloroplast. Chloroplasts contain a substance called chlorophyll which must be present during photosynthesis.

What is the material in the leaf that must be present for photosynthesis to occur?

The material is Chlorophyll and it comes from a green part of a plant cell called the chloroplast.

Which reion ofhe visible spectrum is not absorbed well by chlorophyll?

I'm thinking it must be the green region. That's probably why plants look green to me, after their chlorophyll has absorbed all the other colors of light.

What must be present in order to say that correlation exist?

A relationship between variables

What is the name of the plants without no chlorophyll?

There are plants without chloroplasts. But only a few.

What is the kids definition of chlorpyll?

Chlorophyll (you must learn to spell it right) is the green stuff in leaves and plants that means they can use the energy of sunlight.

Do plants necessary contains chlorophyll?

No there are some plants that do not. You must think about where they are found. It would be useless to a plant that chlorophyll that is on the bottom of the ocean floor or that is found in areas that can not get sunlight. This is assuming that you know what the definition of a plant is, it is a organism that has a cell wall, as opposed to the animal world that does not, just a cell membrane.

Is it possible to cross a green and an albino plant?

While many fungi are white, non parasitic plants must have green chlorophyll to produce carbohydrates. And while albino plants are virtually nonexistent, variegated (green and white striped or mottled) plants exist, largely due to cultivation by humans for their aesthetic value.

Why is the grass green?

Sunlight gives off UV rays, which plants absorb to turn into energy. This energy is called ATP. In order for photosynthesis to occur, ATP must be present. Because light comprises of all the colors of the Visible Light Spectrum, or Rainbow, all colors EXCEPT green are absorbed into the chlorophyll. Green is the color reflected and transmitted back, and that is why we see green in plants. (There's a whole lot more, but that's the basics).

Does fungi have chlorolphyll?

No they don't have chlorophyll. Because of this they can't produce their own food from sunlight, they must absorb it from living or previously living plants and/or animals.