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that you are red and in pain

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Q: What neurons sends messages to the brain if you are sunburned?
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What tissue sends messages from brain to body?

Nerve cells called neurons sends messages from brain to body along fibers called axons.

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How does the brain send messages to the body systems?

The messages in you brain are transmitted by nerve cells which are known as neurons. There are efferent and afferent neurons which perform this function.

What receives messages from other neurons and sends messages to other neurons?

messenger neurons

How does your brain connect to your boby?

1.don't ask me 2. who ever asked this question either can't spell BODY or is really young

What sends impulses to the brain?

sensory neurons

What sends impulses to brain?

sensory neurons

What systems sends mesages to the brain?

your nervous system sends messages to your brain

What sends messages to the nervous system?

The brain.

How are messages carries in neurons?

Neurons send electric impulses to your cells via the dendrites. The Axons carry the electrical impulses away from the cell. This process sends out signals to your brain for all of your body processes such as muscle movement.

When you touch something what sends a message to your brain?

Your afferent neurons send a message to your brain.

How long does it take for your brain to send messages to your brain?

Im not sure your brain sends your brain messages. correct me if im wrong people.