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14y ago

Acetylcholine or ACh for short.

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Q: What neurotransmitter is released at the neuromuscular junction?
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Which neurotransmitter is released at the neuromuscular junction?


Into what does the neuron release its neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction?


How does the neural signal get across the neuromuscular junction?

a neurotransmitter chemical crosses the junction.

How do bones and muscles work to have movement?

The neuromuscular junction. A chemical called neurotransmitter is released from a neuron to stimulate the muscle fibers to contract.

What is the point of contact between a motor neuron and a skeletal muscle cell called?

This point is often called the neuromuscular junction or motor end plate. ?The neurotransmitter used here is acetylcholine.Many diseases occur with dysfunction at this junction, like Myesthenia Gravis, botulism, or Lambert Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome.

What is the neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junctions?


What is the chemical transmitter released at the neuromuscular junction?

The neurotransmitter acetylcholine is released into the synaptic cleft to bind with receptors on muscle cells. Upon binding, the muscle cells contract.

What is the role of acetylcholine in skeletal muscle contractions?

acetylcholine as far as i know is a neurotransmitter that ativates the mscle cells.

What is the site where the muscle fiber and nerve fiber meet called?

Well of course they meet at the neuromuscular junction

What is the narrow space that separates the motor neuron and the skeletal muscle fiber in a neuromuscular junction called?

Neuromuscular junction or neuromuscular synapse

When an action potential arrives at the neuromuscular junction the most immediate response?

acetylcholine is released

What does ach do at a neuromuscular junction?

ACh (acetylcholine) binds to receptors at the NMJ (neuromuscular junction) to induce contraction of muscle.