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Q: What organelle is analogous to stomach in a stentor and other protists?
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What is in a termite's stomach and why?

Inside of a termite's stomach are protists called trichonympha. These protists are used to break down wood easily in a termite's stomach (:

What organelle has a stomach for a nickname?

In a plant cell for example, the vacuole is a large inter cellular space where ingested materials are stored and digested. This organelle could be referred to as the stomach

What organelle resembles the stomach?

The lysosome, an organelle in the human/animal cell, is most like the stomach. The lysosome contains enzymes to digest materials like food, dead cell parts, and waste. Along with foreign "invaders."

Which organelle is most like a miniature stomach?

Lysosome - It contains enzymes that break down wastes.

What are 5 examples of organs?

heartStomachBrainnerve cell

What organelle is present in muscle cells and cells lining the stomach?

in a cell, all organelles are present, maybe you need to specify your question

What is the symbiotic relationship between bacteria and plant roots?

Many species of termites depend on certain flagellated Protists to digest cellulose.

When animals eat the food is stored and digested in the stomach or a similar structure. But when a unicellular organism like this paramecium eats the food is stored in which organelle?


What organelle aids in digestion of worn out cell parts?

the organelle in wich aids in digestoin is permothelion which helps break down the acids in the stomach.

When an animal eats food stays in the stomach for a period of time. when a unicellular organism such as paramecium takes in food the food is contained in which organelle?

Chlorolast Andre Webb

What are facts about animal like protists?

Type your answer here... Fungi are their own, separate kingdom. They are distinct from protists. One reason is because of the way in which fungi obtain nutrients. They are heterotrophic absorptive, which means that they secrete enzymes onto their food source and then absorb the digested material. This is akin to you squirting enzymes from your stomach onto your plate of food, waiting then absorbing the digested products through your skin. Wierd enough to put you in your own, separate kingdom. Protists fall into 2 categories, algae, who are photosynthetic autotrophs, and protozoa, who are heterotrophic ingestive.

What stores and breaks down food?

There is NO organelle that breaks down food, AND stores it. Vacuole = Stores water and food particles. Lysomes= Breaks down food particles.