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Modern Genetic

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Q: What other genetic terms are used today that mendel did not likely use?
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Terms in genetics?

The link below will help you get started with this question. There are many terms:

What has genetic science allowed us to think in terms of?

Genetic science has allowed us to think in scientific terms about heredity and its relationship to environment.

What term did Mendel use to describe heterozygous pea plants?

The terms Mendel used to describe the heterozygous pea plant was the hybrid term....i hope that helped

What can chihuahuayorkies mate with?

They can mate with other dogs. Now, if you mean in terms of bloodlines and papers, then likely other Chihuahua-Yorkshires.

What terms mean genetic composition?

It's genotype. I have a crossword with that on it, and it fits. Plus the definition is kind of the genetic makeup of an organism.

The difference between Mendel's experiments in the area of heredity and those done by earlier researchers was that?

Gregor Johann Mendel is often called as Father of modern Genetics.Before him,many scientists roughly used to study about inheritance.But Mendel strictly considered all the phenotypic and genotypic characters about the plants.For example when he was studying on pea plant(Pisum sativum),he considered all the external characters such as shape,colour..etc.Hence he was more particular than earlier scientists.

What is the difference between genetic defects and chromosomal abnormalities?

Those terms are synonymous - but genetic defect is more likely to be used to describe a physiological deformity that results from genetics, whereas a chromosomal abnormality might not produce a visible deformity.

Is genetic screening and genetic testing the same?

The terms could be used interchangably but screening is usually a study of parental ancestry to determine if their are historical markers that would warrant genetic testing, karotyping.

How do organisms differ from each other?

Organisms differ from each other in terms of their genetic makeup, physical characteristics, behavior, and adaptations to their environment. These differences contribute to the unique features and traits that define each individual organism.

What is evolution genetic terms?

Any change over time in the relative frequency of alleles in a population.

What two processes can lead to inherited variation in populations?

Natural selection and Mutation . Cause new variations of traits in a population .

What is evolution in genetic terms?

In terms of a population, evolution is just the change of allele frequencies over time. Natural selection can cause certain advantageous alleles to increase in frequency, and detrimental alleles to decrease in frequency.