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That part is called as hair root. There is very tiny muscle, attached to it.

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the hair shaft

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Q: What part of the hair extends from the hair papilla to the body surface?
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What are hair cells nourished by?

Dermal papilla

What is hair made of?

A: The best way to answer this question is to reverse the two parts. First, your hair grows from follicles within the skin. The part of the hair inside the follicle (below the skin's surface) is known as the hair root, while the portion you see protruding from the head is the hair shaft. At the base of the hair root is the hair bulb where nutrients are received and new cells are formed.Also within the hair follicle are the dermal papilla (a cone shaped protrustion at the base of the follicle which feeds blood - and therefore nutrients - to the hair bulb), the sebaceous gland (or oil gland) which lubricates and keeps the hair healthy and shiny, as well as the arrector pili, a tiny muscle anchored to the follicle. The arrector pili respond to stimulus (fear or cold) causing them to contract and make the hair stand up straight.Taking nutrients from the dermal papilla, the hair bulb generates new hair cells. As these cells move up through the hair root, they mature through a process called keratinization, fill with fibrous protein and lose their nucleus. When the cell loses its nucleus it is no longer alive. By the time the hair emerges from the skin it is merely fiber made of keratinized proteins.

How is a hair formed?

Each hair develops from a group of epidermal cells at the base of a tubelike depression called a hair follicle, which extends from the surface into the dermis and contains the hair root. The epidermal cells at the base are nourished from dermal blood vesssels in a projection of connective tissue at the deep end of the follicle. As these epidermal cells divide and grow, older cells are pushed toward the surface. The cells that move upward and away from the utrient supply become keratinized and die. Their remains constitute the structure of a developing hair shaft that extends away from the skin.

Is found everywhere on the body except the palms of handssoles of the feet and lips and it primarily consists of dead keratinized cells?

Simple, Hair. it can be hair and sebaceous glands. The answer is only Hair because we do have sebaceous glands there, that's how finger prints are left behind. The oil in our fingertips leave the impression of or finger prints in every surface our fingers come in contact with.

Why do old men have hair growing in their noses and ears?

Every one has hair on every single body part on their body, with only a couple exceptions. Even women have hair on every body part.