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It is the pigment chlorophyll, found within the chloroplasts which gives plant cells their green colour.

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Q: What part of the plant cell gives it the green color?
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What do chloroplasts in a cell look like?

A chloroplast is a green cell, which gives the plant its green color. The cell wall surrounds an individual plant cell and is made up of fiber, and gives the plant its rigidity.

Is chlorophyll a plant cell?

no, chlorophyll is in the thylakoids, which is a organelle inside of the cell. it is what gives the plant cell its green color

What is the role of the chloroplast in a plant cell?

It is what is in charge of photosynthesis and gives off the color green.

2 What structure in a plant cell is responsible for the green color of plants?

The chloroplast is. It contains chlorophyll, which gives off the green color.

What gives a plant its color and why is this so important?

Chloroplasts are what give plants the green color in a plant cell. This is a vital part of the cell because it also helps to collect sunlight

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There are no cells in a cell. There are Chloroplasts which make the Chlorophyl and gives the plants that green color.

Plant Kingdom characteristics?

Plant cells have a cell wall enclosing the cell membrane. Many plants produce chlorophyll, which gives them their green color.

What is the plant cell color?


What color is a plant cell?


What is the color of the Chloroplast in plant cell?

It is green in color. They make plants green

What is the color of chloroplast in the plant cell?

It is green in color. They make plants green