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The alveoli of the lungs

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Alveoli of the lungs.

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Q: What parts of the body are NOT served by the systemic circuit?
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What is the name of the circuit that connects the heart to all parts of the body except the lungs?

The systemic circuit connects the heart to all parts of the body. The pulmonary circuit connects the heart to the lungs.

What is the name of the circuit that connects the heart to all the body parts?

The systemic circulation connects the heart to all body parts. The pulmonary circuit connects the heart to the lungs.

What is the systemic circuit?

In the systemic circuit, oxygenated blood is distributed to body tissues.The systemic circuit also distributes nutrients to the body tissues and removes waste.

What is systemic circuit?

In the systemic circuit, oxygenated blood is distributed to body tissues.The systemic circuit also distributes nutrients to the body tissues and removes waste.

What's the blood to systemic arteries?

There is more blood in the systemic circuit than the pulmonary circuit. Even the arterial portion of the systemic circuit is larger than the entire pulmonary circuit, because the pulmonary circuit only delivers blood to the lungs, and the systemic circuit supplies the rest of the body.

The blood vessels to the lungs and back are collectively known as the?

This is called the pulmonary circuit. In and out to the body is called the systemic circuit.

Which circulatory circuit is affected most by mitral valve prolapse?

The systemic circuit that supplies oxygenated blood to the body tissues.

The circuit that the blood follows from the heart to the body's tissues and back is called circulation?


Where gases are exchanged in the systemic circuit?

In the systemic circuit gas is exchanged in the capillaries. Oxygen goes to the body tissue while the Carbon Dioxide produced from respiration is taken by the blood to go to the lungs and be breathed out.

What are the three major circuits of the blood?

Systemic circuit- blood flow in the body Coronary circuit- blood flow in the heart Pulmonary circuit - blood flow in the lungs

The heart pumps blood into two pathways called what?

PULMONARY to lungs and back SYSTEMIC to body parts and back

How is the left ventricle important to the systemic circulation?

Its contraction pushes blood into the aorta and then it goes to all the body tissues in the systemic circuit down to the capillary level. From here, the blood is picked up by the capillaries that lead to venules, and then to veins and brought back to the heart's right atrium. This is the end of the systemic circuit and the beginning of the pulmonary circuit starts in the right atrium.