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Q: What percentage of burn patients who die have an associated inhalation injury?
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What disease or injury accompanying a burn influences the treatment level of a patient?

Other factors influence the level of treatment needed, including associated injuries such as bone fractures and smoke inhalation, presence of a chronic disease, or a history of being abused.

What is the definition of bodily injury liability?

"Bodily injury liability" It's cost associated with bodily injury, usually medical that you are found liable for.

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What is the best method to prevent injury from lifting and transferring patients?

Eliminate manual lifting

Which of these factors is not associated with engaging in self injury SI?

secure attachment

What is crush injury?

pain at the site, associated would and blood loss

What stretching technique is most commonly associated with injury?

ballistic stretching

What psychological disorders are associated with craniofacial reconstruction?

Children who have had a disfiguring injury often develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, or anxiety.Adult patients also have high rates of depression, PTSD, or anxiety disorders following craniofacial reconstruction.

What prevention methods are there to avoid gangrene?

Patients with diabetes or severe arteriosclerosis should take particular care of their hands and feet because of the risk of infection associated with even a minor injury. Education about proper foot care is vital. Diminished blood.

Acute pain is associated with what kind of conditions?

This kind of pain is associated with injury, headaches, disease, and many other conditions.

What does rehabilition mean?

Rehabilitation is the process of recovering from an illness, injury, or addiction. Rehabilitation brings patients back to a state of health and wellness.