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Nonsister Chromatids Cross-over in Prophase 1

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Q: What phase of meiosis do nonsister chromatids cross over?
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Which phase do sister chromatids separate?

well in meiosis one the chromosomes form a tetrad and do a cross overso i say its in anaphase 2

What phase of meiosis do spindle fibers move the sister chromatids to the center of the cells?

prophase 1

What phase of meiosis do spindle fiber move sister chromatids to the center of the cells?

prophase 1

Which phase of meiosis do sister chromatids pull apart and move to opposite ends of the cell?

Sister chromatids are pulled apart from each other during the anaphase II stage of meiosis II. From there the chromatids are taken to opposite poles of the cell and create two haploid cells.

During which phase of meiosis will the chromosomes appear as packets of four chromatids?

chromosomes appear as packets of four chromatids during anaphase. This is when the chromatids start to move and separate in preparation of the creation of four cells.

Which phase of meiosis to spindle fibers move the sister chromatids To the center of the cells?

metaphase II nova net

What phase does cross over occur?

Diplotene stage of meiosis I phase

Do chromatids separate during telophase?

chromatids separate during anaphase.anaphase is when the spindle fibers start pulling the "sister" chromatids apart

Which phase of mitosis does the centromere divide chromatids split and identical chromosome move to opposite ends of the cell?

metaphase I of meiosis

What happens in meiosis during phase 1?

The homologous pairs of chromosomes line up together forming tetrads. During this time, chromatids from the homologous chromosomes cross over and exchange segments so that each chromatid contains both maternal and paternal DNA.

What phase happens in meiosis?

prophase1The first phase of meiosis is Prophase I

Which phase of mitosis in the last phase that chromatids are together?
