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Cytokenisis occurs at the same time as Telophase.

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Q: What phase of mitosis occurs at the same time as cytokinesis?
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In which phase of mitosis does cytokinesis take place?

Telophase: Cytokinesis occurs during meiosis and mitosis and is the stage at which the cytoplasm and surface membrane of the two cells divides, and the cells are distinguishable as separate.As a stage of the cell cycle, cytokinesis occurs at the end of mitosis/meiosis, and as a phase of mitosis/meiosis, it is itself a phase.

How does cytokinesis ina male differ from that in a human female?

The process of cytokinesis is the same in both males and females. Cytokinesis refers to division of cytoplasm. Cytokinesis occurs at the end of mitosis and meiosis.

Nuclear and cytoplasmic division occurs in what stage?

Nuclear division occurs during mitosis, while cytoplasmic division occurs during cytokinesis. Mitosis is the process of dividing the nucleus into two daughter nuclei, ensuring that each new cell receives a complete set of chromosomes. Cytokinesis follows mitosis and involves the splitting of the cytoplasm to form two separate cells.

What is the stage of the cell when DNA replication occurs?

No, the stage of the cell cycle when DNA replication occurs is not called telophase. DNA replication occurs in the S (Synthesis) phase of the cell cycle. Telophase is the last stage of mitosis or meiosis, when the nuclear envelopes re-form (it occurs at the same time as cytokinesis - which separates the cells).

Is telophase the stage of the cell cycle when DNA replication occurs?

No, the stage of the cell cycle when DNA replication occurs is not called telophase. DNA replication occurs in the S (Synthesis) phase of the cell cycle. Telophase is the last stage of mitosis or meiosis, when the nuclear envelopes re-form (it occurs at the same time as cytokinesis - which separates the cells).

How are mitosis and meiosis the same?

They both 'involve' the Cytokinesis Event.

What do you call the plant cell?

It is the same as animal cell division, mitosis followed by cytokinesis.

What part of the cell cycle is occurring simultaneously to telophase?

Cytokinesis usually occurs at the same time as telophase. So the answer would be cytokinesis.

After a cell nucleus divides in mitosis what process occurs in which the rest of the cells divide?


What dose each identical daughter cell have complete after mitosis?

After mitosis followed by cytokinesis, the two identical daughter cells have a complete and identical set of chromosomes, which are the same as the parent cell.

What phase ocures at the same time of cytokeniesis?

The phase that occurs at the same time of cytokeniesis is Telophase.

If a cell has 32 chromosomes prior to the S phase and undergoes mitosis followed by cytokinesis each new daughter cell will have how many chromosomes?

two or four it all depends on sister and daughter chromosomes during the mitosis procedure about half the amount