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They are called conifers, or having cones.

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Q: What plants produce seeds in their cones?
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What kind of plants produce their seeds in cones?


Which group of plants produce seeds but not flowers?

Conifers have needle-like leaves, have cones instead of flowers and produce seeds.

Why do gynosperms produce naked seeds?

gynosperms produce naked seeds . they are the plants which do not produce flowers and cones with pointed ends.naked seeds doesn't matters because they are not gonna reprduce into flowers.

Does flowering plants produce cones?

It doesn't. Aflowering plant produces flowers and seeds that fall of and produce more plants.

Conifer produce seeds in cones?

Yes, conifers produce seeds inside their cones True easier to understand

Do conifers have seeds?

Conifers don't produce real flowers. However they do produce "flower-like pollen."

Does apple trees produce flower or cones?

Apple trees produce apple blossoms, which when pollinated, then produce the fruit. Only trees with needles produce cones with seeds, some of which are edible, but not as fruit -- as nuts.

Which plants have nuts or cones for seeds?

Conifer plants

How conifers produce seeds?

they absorb water and nutrients through their roots then turn the nutrients into food. they are autotrophic

Why do conifers need 2 types of cones to form seeds?

because some of the cones are male cones, and some of the cones are female cones. the male cones produce the pollen and sperm, and the female seeds contain the seeds.

Do male pine cones produce seeds?

no they produce pollen

Plants that produce seeds without producing flowers?

pinus plant does not have a flower, it has a male and female cones.