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Q: What plants without tubelike cells must always have nearby?
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Which describes the cuticle that most plants have?

A system of tubelike structures that transport nutrients

A plant that has tubelike to carry water and nutriets is a(n)_____plant?

vascular plants

Do seeds always grow plants with seeds?

no it does not a plant can reproduce without a seed

How do the plants carryout photosynthesis in noth pole?

There are zero plants there. Nearby they are inside buildings and do so artificially.

Do food chains always begin with plants?

yes they always begin with plants

What do nonvascular plants lack?

Non-vascular plants lack a true vascular (organised tranport) system for water and sugars. i.e. they lack xylem and phloem vessels

What did the astronomers of Babylon map?

the astromers of babylon mapped the stars and the plants

What is the difference between plants with flowers an plants without flower?

the plants without flowers HAVE no flowers ! and the plants with flowers DO HAVE flowers :P

Why would relative humidity be higher near plants?

Because plants give off water vapour, thus increasing the humidity nearby.

what is the name of plants without chlorophyll?

Paracitic plants are without chlorophylls.Ex-Cuscuta

Can plants live without humans and can humans live without plants?

yes. no.

Is life possible without plants?

It is very difficult to live without plants.