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the flesh and padding muscles in between each

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Q: What prevents friction between the lungs and the ribs when breathing?
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Why does surfactant reduce surface tension?

It prevents a pleural friction rub. Its like a lubricant for the lungs to move up and down without any friction.

What is the Pleural layer covering the lungs called?

Pleura covers the lungs. It has 2 folds- the visceral (inner) pleura and the parietal (outer) pleura.

What does the pleural cavity do for the human body?

The lungs are surrounded by two membranes, the pleurae. The outer pleura covers and is attached to the chest wall and is known as the parietal pleura. The inner one covers and is attached to the lung and other visceral tissues i.e. vessels, bronchi and nerves and is known as the visceral pleura. In between the two is an actual thin space known as the pleural cavity or pleural space normally containing a small amount of pleural fluid.=The parietal pleura is highly sensitive to pain; the visceral pleura is not.=

The prevents food or liquids from getting into the lungs.?

What prevents food from getting into the lungs is an Aorta.

What prevents food or liquids from getting into lungs?

What prevents food from getting into the lungs is an Aorta.

Breathing occurs because of air pressure differences between the lungs and the?


What prevents getting food or liquid into the lungs?

What prevents food from getting into the lungs is an Aorta.

What is the breathing organs of tigers?


What is the pleura space?

The potential space between the lining of the chest cavity (pleura) and the lining that covers the lungs (also called the pleura). These linings are made of serous membranes that secrete serous fluid for lubrication, so there is no friction during breathing when the lungs expand and contract against the chest wall. There is a vacuum maintained in this space that keeps the lungs inflated.

What is the breathing part of mammals?

Their lungs are the breathing parts.

The act of breathing air into the lungs-?

The act of breathing air into the lungs is simply called breathing. From the lungs, the air is transferred into the blood stream and moved to the other parts of the body.

What are an birds breathing organs?

Lungs you idiots lungs