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asexual reproduction

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The females eggs and the males sperm

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genetic engineering

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Q: What is the process of removing DNA from one organism and combining it with the DNA of another organism?
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Which describes the process of one organism killing another organism in order to obtain nutrients?

Predation describes an organism killing another organism for nutrition.

Is the process of combining oxygen with another material to produce chemical weathring?

The process of combining oxygen with another material to produce chemical weathering can be referred to as combustion. This is chemical weathering that will involve heat and light.

Thought Out what process gene from one organism can be combined with a gene from another organism?


Which term describes the process of one organism killing another organism in order to obtain nutrients?

Predation is the process of one organism kills another organism in order to obtain nutrients.

What process is called when a organism is changed from the genetic material from another organism?

The process is called nuclear transfer and the resulting product is a GMO, (Genetically modified organism)

A process where elements or other forms of matter are passed from one organism to another?

Biogeochemical cycle is a process in which elements, chemical compounds and other forms of matter are passed from one organism to another and from one part of the biosphere to another. Nutrients are a chemical substance that an organism needs to sustain life.

Genetic engineering in a sentence?

genetic engineering is the process of transferring a gene from the dna of one organism to another organism. in order to produce an organism with desired traits.

What is the reproductive process that involves two parents?

Sexual reproduction is a process that creates a new organism by combining the genetic material of two organisms. Sexual reproduction is the primary reproduction for most organisms.

What is the process of combining with water?

water is formed by combining hydrogen and oxygen ....

Genetic engineering is really a process of?

isolating and then transferring a gene into the DNA of another organism.

What is the meaning of special product?

Special product is the process of combining factors to form products.

How is a nutrient cycle different from a energy pyramid?

It all depends on the plants because plants give off energy to a organism and then that organism gives it to another organism and the process continues.