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The process by which the glucose get past the cell wall is osmosis which includes the transmission a substance from higher concentration to lower concentration.

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Glucose enters a cell through the process of facilitated diffusion, where it passes through membrane transport proteins called glucose transporters. These transporters help facilitate the movement of glucose across the cell membrane by following its concentration gradient.

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Q: What process does Glucose use to get past a cell wall?
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What part of the cell is like a gate?

In this analogy, the cell membrane is like a wall, keeping what's in the cell inside, and what is outside of the cell out. However, there are "gates" called receptors. Receptors are large protein molecules embedded in the membrane, with one end outside and one end inside. Different gates, or receptors, permit certain things to enter. For example a glucose receptor lets glucose enter the cell. When a glucose molecule passes a glucose receptor, the glucose molecule is attracted to the receptor by an electric charge. It then binds to the receptor, but now the balance of the charges in the protein molecule has been changed, so the protein molecule changes shape. When it changes shape, it pulls the glucose into the cell and then lets go of the glucose. Now the protein is free to return to its original shape, and the glucose is inside the cell.

An organism with a cell wall would have the most difficulty doing which process?

An organism with a cell wall would have the most difficulty undergoing endocytosis, a process where particles are engulfed by the cell membrane. The rigid cell wall would hinder the flexibility needed for the membrane to surround and internalize particles.

What organelle exists in plant cells but does not exist in animal cells?

Chloroplasts are organelles that exist in plant cells but not in animal cells. These organelles are responsible for photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose.

How Glucose is a molecule that can move across the cell membrane if the concentration of glucose is higher outside the cell then what will happen by the process of diffusion?

It depends if the existing fluid inside the cell membrane can pass through the cell wall also. If not, then the fructose concentrations will balance out through diffusion, but the inner fluid quantity wont change, so the cell will expand/become turgid. If existing inner fluid of the cell is free to pass through the membrane, then the fructose concentrations will balance out, but the cell may not become turgid....Fructose molecules will diffuse into the cell.The cell will experience a hypotonic condition which means water will move out of the cell to maintain an equilibrium or isotonic condition in which the solute concentration in the cell in equal with the outer enviroment.

The power house of the cell?

The powerhouse of the cell is the mitochondria. Mitochondria are organelles responsible for producing most of the cell's energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through a process called cellular respiration.

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Where would you find glucose in a plant cell?

in the cell wall

One of the monosacchrides is a building block of a plant's cell wall?

The monosaccharide glucose is a building block of a plant's cell wall. Glucose molecules polymerize to form the structural polysaccharide cellulose, which provides rigidity and strength to the plant cell wall.

What are the functions of the cell wall and chlorophyll in the plant cell?

The cell wall provides rigidity to the cell and the chlorophyll enables the cell to manufacture glucose though photosynthesis

Is the glucose part of the cell wall?

Cellulose takes the highest percentage.Cellulose is made up by glucose.

What monosaccharide is a building block of the plant cell wall?

The monosaccharide that serves as a building block of the plant cell wall is glucose. It is a simple sugar that is polymerized to form cellulose, a major component of the cell wall providing structural support to plant cells.

What surrounds a plant cell providing support?

The cell wall, comprised mostly of cellulose, gives shape and support to the cell of a plant.

What is the function of the cell wall and chloroplasts?

Chloroplast is a coin shaped thing that takes the light from the sun and turns it into glucose for the rest of the cell. The cell wall, obviously, protects the contents of the cell.

What is the function of the cell wall and chloroplast?

The cell wall provides structural support and protection to plant cells, while chloroplasts are the organelles responsible for photosynthesis, converting light energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose.

What is a good analogy for cell wall?

It could be a gate. It is a gate because the door is the cell membrane. See you need to get past the cell wall before the cell membrane.

A carbohydrate forming the cell wall is what?

Cell walls are composed of cellulose, what is colloquially called "fiber". It is a polysaccharide made of glucose monomers. It has beta glucose chains contrasting with the alpha glucose of starch. Because of its bond structure, the chain is indigestible for most organisms and provides rigid support.

What sugar is in a cell wall?

The sugar in a cell wall is primarily cellulose, a structural polysaccharide made up of glucose molecules linked together in chains. This cellulose provides rigidity and support to the cell wall, helping to maintain the shape and structure of the cell.

What can large particle can enter a cell by an active-transport process?

The cell Wall