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Th process of independent orientation of chromosomes while in their tetrad forms. But, the more important process that also happens in prophase I is the process of crossing over where chromosomes, male and female, exchange regions of the chromosomes, one with the other.

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10y ago

it depends on the process its metaphase people

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13y ago

This process is the second chromosome segregation.

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8y ago

In prophase in meiosis, crossing over occurs, meaning a part of each chromosome switches to the other.

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12y ago

During Prophase I, crossing-over occurs, a process whereby a piece from one chromosome changes places with an analogous piece from the other chromosome thus increaseing genetic variation.

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Q: What process helps make meiotic cells genetically different and occurs during prophase but not during prophase 2?
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thats what i wanna know!

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The specific process that occurs in the cell cycle can vary depending on the stage. In general, DNA replication occurs during the S phase, chromosome segregation happens during the mitotic phase, and cell division occurs during cytokinesis.

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