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Meiosis is required for sex cells to go from two sets of chromosomes (diploid) to having only one set (haploid).

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Q: What process occurs in the formation of sex cells?
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What process occurs in the formation of sex cells of both male and female?


What is meiosos?

Meiosis is the process that occurs in the formation of sex cells(sperm & egg)by which the number of chromosomes is reduced by half

What process results in the formation of sex cells?


Does mitosis occur in the ovaries and testes?

No. Meiosis occurs in the ovaries and testes. Meiosis is the process that deals with gametes (sex cells)

What is called the process of formation of gametes?

the formation of sex cells GAMETES: sperm or egg cells Gamete formation: gametogenesis Sperm formation: spermatogenesis Egg formation: oogenesis

The formation of the male sex cells or sperm is called a what?

The formation of male gametes or sperm cells is called spermatogenesis. This is a form a meiosis, in which four daughter cells are formed. The process takes places in the male reproductive organs, the testes. The female counterpart to this is called oogenesis, which produces one usable daughter cells, an oocyte or egg cell, (and three discarded cells called polar bodies) this process occurs in the ovaries.

What is the process that produces haploid sex cells?

The process that produces haploid sex cells is mitosis.

What is process that produces haploid sex cells?

The process that produces haploid sex cells is mitosis.

What is the name of the process where sex cells?

Where sex cells are produced: meiosis Where sex cells unite: fertilization

What does meiosis result in the formation of?

Meiosis results in the formation of the gametes. These sex cells are haploid.

Which organ system produces a sperm cell and red blood cell?

In humans, the reproductive system is responsible for the production of sex cells (gametes). In the male, the sex cells are produced in the testes located in the scrotum. The process of sperm formation is called spermatogenesis. In the female, the sex cells are produced in the ovaries. The process of egg formation is called oogenesis.

What is the process when sex cells are made?

Sex Cells (called Gametes) are made by a process called Meiosis.