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Mitochondria do, they create energy by doing what is basically reverse-photosynthesis, they take oxygen and glucose and turn it into energy and carbon dioxide, which is what plants need for photosynthesis.
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Oxygen and Glucose are used in Glycolysis the primary step in cellular respiration. This process is used to create energy for cells.

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cellular resporation

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Q: What process uses glucose and oxygen to make energy?
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What is the formula for photosynthesis for kids?

carbon dioxide + water + light energy = glucose + oxygen. Photosynthesis is the process that plants use to combine light, water, and carbon dioxide to make glucose for energy and release oxygen.

What four things do aerobic organisms require to make energy for life?

Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and light as an energy source. These are needed for the process of photosynthesis - which produces glucose.

Why do plant and animal cells use glucose and oxygen?

They use this in the process of photosynthesis to make energy (ATP) in cellular respiration.

Why do plants and animal cells use glucose and oxygen for?

They use this in the process of photosynthesis to make energy (ATP) in cellular respiration.

What does the mitochondria use to make energy?

glucose and oxygen

What is photosythis?

Plants photosynthesis to make food energy. They take carbon-dioxide and water and then trap light with chlorophyll and make oxygen(a waste product) and glucose (a type of sugar they use for energy). The equation for photosynthesis is Carbon dioxide+water = oxygen+glucose. light energy

What are glucose and oxygen converted into in aerobic respiration?

It really depends on if its aerobic(with oxygen) or anaerobic(without oxygen) respiration. In aerobic respiration carbon dioxide, water and energy are made In anaerobic respiration lactic acid and energy are made.

Why do plant cell need chloroplasts?

For photosynthesis, to make glucose. In the process turning CO2 into oxygen

2 products in photosynthesis?

photosynthesis is the process where plants make food. in scientific terms, its the process used by plants to convert the light energy from the sun into chemical energy that can be used by the plant to fuel the plants activities. photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and water and produces oxygen, and glucose(glucose)

Is glucos found in the photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make glucose to store energy. Obviously, glucose is found in a process in which glucose is made.

What substances are removed during respiration?

This is the equation for respiration: glucose + oxygen -> water + carbon dioxide + ENERGY Glucose and oxygen are used to make water, carbon dioxide and energy. So I suppose it could be said that oxygen and glucose are removed

Use the sun to make energy rich molecules?

The process in which the sun is used to make energy rich molecules is called Photosynthesis. This process uses carbon dioxide, water and energy collected from the sun, to produce glucose molecules and oxygen gas. This process happens in plants and is the plant's main source of energy.