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· Lungs o Get rid of CO2. o Lose water vapor (Incidental loss: because it is unavoidable and is not a method of controlling the water content of the body.) · Kidneys o Remove urea and other nitrogenous waste from the blood o Expel excess water, salts, hormones and drugs. · Liver o Excretes bilirubin with the bile to the small intestine to later be expelled with the feces. · Skin o Expels water, sodium chloride and urea during sweating. (Incidental loss: because sweating is a response to a rise in temperature and not to a change in blood compostion.)

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Q: What produces the wastes that leave through the excretory system?
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The excretory system removes liquid wastes.

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The excretory system gets rid of body wastes.

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The excretory system gets rid of body wastes.

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the system that removes wastes from blood is called the excretory system........

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What is called system that removes solid and liquid wastes?

excretory system

System that removes solid and liquid wastes?

in the human body, it is the excretory system!

Which body system removes liquid and gaseous wastes from the body?

The Excretory system gets rid of wastes.