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it delivers oxygen

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Helps produce energy in the form of ATP

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Q: What role does glucose play in cellular respiration?
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What are 3 organic compounds in cellular respiration?

The role of organic compounds in cellular respiration is to start cellular respiration. Cellular Respiration is a process that creates ATP. So, in order to create ATP you'll need organic compounds. Organic Compounds are converted into ATP during Cellular Respiration. This is the role of organic compound in cellular respiration.

What role does diffusion play in cellular respiration?

well ask yourself what does diffusion mean and compare it to cellular respiration and photosynthesis

What are the 3 ways to measure cellular respiration?

Measure ATP production, carbon dioxide production, and oxygen use For one molecule of glucose, you will get the most ATP if using cellular respiration as opposed to just glycolysis More carbon dioxide will be produced if using cellular respiration

What is the role of ADP in respiration?

if by resperation, you mean cellular respiration, then using glucose and oxygen, Cellular Respiration makes carbon dioxide, water, and chemical energy in the form of 36 ATP

What is the role of germinating soybeans in cellular respiration experiment?

go to the process of cellular respiration.

What role does oxygen play in the harvesting of energy?

It is the final electron receptor in the process of cellular respiration.

Does chloroplast make cellular respiration?

No,it has no role in cellular respiration.But it takes part in photo respiration.

What role does cellular respiration play in the metabolism of an organism?

Energy is derived from the process of cellular respiration. Metabolism is divided into two processes, anabolism and catabolism.. Respiration is catabolistic, and supplies the energy for life functions.

What role does the oxygen in cellular respiration play?

Oxygen is used for oxidation of organic compounds to release energy

How does extreme diet affect the cellular respiration or metabolism of your body?

. CELLULAR RESPIRATION has a main role which release energy stored in glucose to produce ATP. so and metabolism is the over all process of chemical reaction. thats all i know. :) from _@pple_

An important part of cell respiration is the role of what?

Respiration is the process by which organisms burn food to produce energy. The starting material of cellular respiration is the sugar glucose, which has energy stored in its chemical bonds. You can think of glucose as a kind of cellular piece of coal: chock-full of energy, but useless when you want to power a stereo. Just as burning coal produces heat and energy in the form of electricity, the chemical processes of respiration convert the energy in glucose into usable form.

What is the role for cellular respiration?

It is process of generating of energy.Mitochondria is responsible for aerobic respiration.