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Q: What semilunar valve sees oxygenated blood?
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Entrance valve that sees only oxygenated blood?

the aorta and the aortic valve. :D

Entrance valve that sees only unoxygenated blood?

Bicuspid valve

AV valve that sees unoxygenated blood?

Pulmonary semi-lunar

Why is the exhaust valve seat is made wider than the inlet valve seat?

Better heat distribution. The exhaust valve sees a lot more heat.

Who sees your blood?

Under normal conditions your blood remains inside your body, and no one sees it. If you are bleeding, then anybody who happens to be there may see it.

What is the purpose of proportional valve for brakes of kia pregio?

The fronts do the most work so the proportional valve sees they get more pressure. That is also why reservoir for front usually larger as well.

What appears on the dagger Macbeth halliconates?

Blood appears on the dagger; Lady Macbeth also sees blood on her hands as she sleepwalks.

What does ponyboy see when he recovers consciousness?

When Ponyboy is conscious after the "Soc. Attack", he sees blood covering the area by the fountain he was almost drowned in and he sees Johny with his six-inch switch blade covered in blood and he sees Bob, the Soc. and Cherry's Boy-friend, lying dead on the ground. He is terrified, scared and a little upset that his friend just killed someone. I think that all he sees is a red light, with anger, frustration and the hope that nothing will go wrong.

What is cover has to do with new moon?

The blood rose is the first flower that Bella sees when Edward tells her that he is leaving her.

How does your blood look like as you see it with your naked eye?

When you look at your blood with the naked eye all you see is red liquid. This is all anyone sees with the naked eye.

Use hemophobia in a sentence?

Jonathan has hemophobia, which means that he will pass out if he sees blood.

What is a blood clot on gums caused by?

Although I am not a doctor, I always thought that blood clots coming out of gums result from congested blood in the gums. I think if gums are massaged then blood will be circulated and extra congested blood will go away. Sees this should be a frequent task and not a one-time every once and while. Although I am not a doctor, I always thought that blood clots coming out of gums result from congested blood in the gums. I think if gums are massaged then blood will be circulated and extra congested blood will go away. Sees this should be a frequent task and not a one-time every once and while.