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the pyloric sphincter regulates the speed at which the chyme (mixture of food from stomach) can enter into the small intestine to be digested. The pyloric sphincter opens and closes according to the acidity of the chyme.

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Q: What slows intestinal motility and causes the pyloric sphincter to contract?
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Valve preventing movement of chyme from the duodenum into the stomach?

The pyloric sphincter, or valve, is a strong ring of smooth muscle at the end of the pyloric canal and lets food pass from the stomach to the duodenum. It receives sympathetic innervation from celiac ganglion.

What is a sphincter in the digestive system?

The pyloric sphincter regulates passage of chymefrom the stomach

Is the ring like muscle that controls the flow from the stomach to the small intestine?

The ring like muscle that controls the flow from the stomach to the small intestine is called the pylorus or the pyloric sphincter. It is divided into two parts: the pyloric antrum which is connected to the body of the stomach and the pyloric canal which is connected to the beginning of the small intestine (the duodenum).

What is the relationship between pyloric sphincter and chyme?

The pyloric sphincter regulates passage of chyme from the stomach.

Sphincter controlling the movement of food from the stomach into the duodenum?

Pyloric sphincter controls the movement of food from stomach to duodenum. With parasympathetic or vagal stimulation it opens up or relaxes and with sympathetic stimulation it contracts or closes.

Pyloric sphincter function?

The function of the pyloric sphincter is that it controls the movement of food from the stomach into the small intestine.

What is the valve between the stomach and small intestine of a frog?

pyloric sphincter valve pyloric sphincter valve

What will be the effect of cholinergic agonist on the pyloric sphincter?

The pyloric sphincter is mediated by excitatory cholinergic vagal fibers, so a cholinergic agonist would constrict the sphincter.

What is the area of the body around the belly button is called?

This is called the pyloric region. A sphincter called the pyloric sphincter is found there.

Does a frog have a pyloric sphincter?

Yes, The pyloric sphincter valve regulates the exit of digested food from the stomach to the small intestine.

What controls the passage of material from the small intestine to the large intestine?

There are structural (anatomical) and functional (physiological) ways the digestive system regulates how food is passed from the stomach to the small intestine. The major anatomical regulators are the pyloric sphincter (a muscular band that acts like a valve to open and close the connection between the stomach and small intestine) and the pyloric antrum (the part of the stomach commonly associated with stomach motility, mixing, and propulsion of stored foodstuffs into the small intestine). When the pyloric sphincter is relaxed and the antrum is active, food is propelled into the small intestine; when the sphincter is constricted and the antrum is relaxed, food is stored in the stomach. A number of physiological factors exist that regulate the activity of the pyloric sphincter and antrum. The principal regulators are nerves and hormones involved in the digestive process. The vagus nerve is an example of a nerve with major regulatory effects on motility of the stomach and small intestine. Gastrin and cholecystokinin (CCK) are gut hormones also involved in stomach motility. Gastrin is secreted in response to food (particularly amino acids, the building blocks of proteins) in the stomach and stimulates antral motility that serves to mix food. Strong antral contractions cause opening of the pyloric sphincter and the movement of food into the small intestine. CCK is released in response to foodstuffs (particularly fats) in the small intestine and inhibits antral motility of the stomach.