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Q: What specialized fluid is formed in the tissue spaces and transported by way of the specialized lymphatic vessels to eventually reenter the circulatory system?
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Absorbed lipids are initially transported by the lymphatic system. True or False?

False: fat-soluble nutrients such as fats and fat-soluble vitamins absorb into the lymphatic system before being transported into the bloodstream.

How does the lymphatic function with the circulatory system?

It drains leaked plasma back into the (venous) blood.

What are 5 organ system that a surgeon have marked for reattachment of arm?

Skeletal, muscular, circulatory, nervous, lymphatic/immune

How do needed substances travel through the body?

Your circulatory system transports materials throughout your body. This is not the sole transport system, but the primary one. The lymph system is used to carry fat molecules that have been absorbed from the small intestine, but the lymph system will ultimately end up emptying back into the circulatory system.

Is there a spleen in the circulatory system?

Ok, I have no idea what you mean by that question. Technically, since blood flows to the spleen to keep it alive...then yes. But blood flows to every living cell in your body to keep it alive so...yeah. But is the spleen a part of the circulatory system? That is also a yes. It is part of the lymphatic system, not the cardiovascular system. The lymphatic system is a sub-system of the circulatory system that basically helps fight infection, recycle blood plasma, etc. Most people do not think of the lymphatic system as part of the circulatory system though (even though it is) and most use the words "circulatory" and "cardiovascular" interchangeably (even though they're not interchangeable). Seeing as the cardiovascular organs are the heart and blood vessels, if that is what you meant...then no it's not. Please be more specific with your questions.