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hanging drop

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3mo ago

Live cell imaging is ideal for viewing cell motility, as it allows for the observation of cells in real-time. This can be achieved by using specialized culture dishes with transparent bottoms to maintain cells in a controlled environment while imaging. Additionally, using fluorescent dyes or tags can help to track specific cellular structures or proteins involved in cell motility.

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12y ago

wet mount

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Q: What specimen preparation is best for viewing cell motility?
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What specimen would best be viewed using a compound light microscope?

Thin, transparent specimens like cells, tissues, or bacteria are best viewed using a compound light microscope because it uses visible light to illuminate and magnify the specimen. This type of microscope is ideal for viewing detailed structures and can magnify objects up to 1000x.

What microscope can view opaque objects?

A stereo microscope would be the best option for viewing opaque objects. This type of microscope provides a 3D view of the specimen and is capable of illuminating opaque objects from above and below to enhance visibility.

When would you use a dry mount to view a specimen under a microscope?

A dry mount is used when viewing specimens that do not require additional moisture or staining to be observed under a microscope. This technique is commonly used for viewing larger specimens or specimens with natural pigmentation. It allows for a quick and simple observation of the specimen's features without additional preparation.

How should the condenser and diaphragm be adjusted for optimal viewing?

The condenser should be adjusted so that the light is focused on the specimen and the diaphragm should be adjusted to control the amount of light passing through the specimen. Fine-tune the condenser height to get optimal brightness and contrast, and adjust the diaphragm to improve resolution and reduce glare. Experiment with different settings to find the best combination for optimal viewing.

Which microscope would be best use if you wanted to look at the life in a drop of pond water?

A compound light microscope would be best for viewing life in a drop of pond water. This type of microscope uses light to illuminate the specimen, allowing you to see organisms such as protozoa and algae present in the water. It provides good magnification and resolution for observing these small organisms.

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Motility is best seen with a?

Wet mount, hanging drop slide, or motility tube (SIMS, ONPG-PAM)

Which side of the mirror of the microscope is best for natural light?

The concave side of the mirror of a microscope is best for natural light because it focuses light onto the specimen for illumination. By adjusting the mirror, you can control the amount and intensity of light shining onto the specimen for optimal viewing.

What specimen would best be viewed using a compound light microscope?

Thin, transparent specimens like cells, tissues, or bacteria are best viewed using a compound light microscope because it uses visible light to illuminate and magnify the specimen. This type of microscope is ideal for viewing detailed structures and can magnify objects up to 1000x.

What microscope can view opaque objects?

A stereo microscope would be the best option for viewing opaque objects. This type of microscope provides a 3D view of the specimen and is capable of illuminating opaque objects from above and below to enhance visibility.

Which LCD type has the best color representation and viewing angle?

The best color representation and viewing is Lime Green and Purple......

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What is the best viewing height for TV?

For optimum viewing, your eyes should be level with the middle of the screen when you're seated in your normal viewing position.

When would you use a dry mount to view a specimen under a microscope?

A dry mount is used when viewing specimens that do not require additional moisture or staining to be observed under a microscope. This technique is commonly used for viewing larger specimens or specimens with natural pigmentation. It allows for a quick and simple observation of the specimen's features without additional preparation.

What are the advantage and disadvantages of fresh specimen?

the best answer of advantage of fresh specin to identify the color and to see what happened the materiel inside specimen...

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An original model or typical specimen.

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Which is the best coaching institutes in Jaipur for JEE preparation?

The best coaching institute in Jaipur for JEE preparation are the Resonance and Aakash Institute. These institutes are considered to be the premier institutes for IIT-JEE preparation in Jaipur.