

Best Answer

its called a flower beeftainer manna

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Q: What stick holds the anthers in the air?
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Related questions

What is the name given to the male part of the flower?

The stamen has two parts; the top of which is called the anthers and carries pollen. The filament is like the "stem" of the stamen which holds up the anthers.

What does the anthers do in a flower?

The anther holds the pollen sac in Hawaiian flowers or any other kind of flowers.

What is the flower part called that holds the pollen?

They are called anthers. They carry the pollen.melesters

What male part of a plant holds pollen?

I think it might be the Anthers. The Anthers are indeed a male part of the flower, and if you look at a diagram, you'll see that the Anthers are covered in pollen. Trust me. I took a test on this in Science. I'm 99.9% sure. (The other .1% is in case I am wrong). Hope this helped!

What holds the flames?

A stick

What does the filament on the flower does?

it holds up the anther. filament is part of the stamen by:princess tracy palevino

Do flowers have anthers?

Yes, all bisexual and male flowers have anthers

Do all flowers have anthers?

Yes, all bisexual and male flowers have anthers

Why do some flowers have anthers hanging out?

The advantage is anthers can pollinate by wind more easily.

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holds a shape

What you a memory stick?

A memory stick is electric that holds lots of memory and thing from your computer

Which holds more moisture warmer air or colder air?

The air that holds the most moisture in their air hole is warmer.