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An eye. Rods and cones detect light and colour.

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Q: What structure contains cells called rods and cones?
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Which structure of the eye contains the photoreceptors?

no. they are called eyes. photoreceptors are cells within the eye that respond to light such as cones and rods.

What contains visual receptors called rods and cones?

Rods and cones are in the sensory components in the retina of the eye. They are essential to the sense of sight.

The cells responsible for color vision in mammalian eyes are called?

The cells responsible for the color vision in mammals are called as cones. I have been remembering the same by color vision by cones. That C and C. The brightness is perceived by rod cells. This is how you dispel the confusion. There are cones and rods to perceive the vision.

What do cones do?

Male pine cones produce pollen that contains sperm cells. Female cones produce 2 seeds per scale after they are pollinated and then fertilized by the pollen grains.

Where are sensory nerves called rods and cones found?

Sensory nerve cells called rods and cones are found in the Retina.

What are the two types of photoreceptor cells called?

Rods and Cones :)

What are rods and cones responsible for?

Rods and cones are connected by synapses to bipolar cells, which, in turn, communicate with neurons called ganglion cells.

What contains sensory receptors for vision in the eye?

Retina in the eye contains sensory cells. Retina has got rods and cones. Cones are responsible for colour vision. Rods are responsible for vision in less amount of light.

Why do humans see in colour?

Because we have cells in our eyes called cones.

Which of the five sences contains two types of photoreceptors called rods and cones?

The eyes have rods and cones. Therefore, it is the sense of sight.

What is the seed bearing structure of a gymnosperm called?

The cone of a gymnosperm is the equivalent of the ovary of angiosperms. The seeds in the cone are naked, and receive pollen by wind action from the male equivalent of the stamen. In season, you'll often find dustings of sulphur-yellow pine pollen on the surface of water puddles.The gymno part comes from the Greek and means naked, hence similar words such as gymnast.

Where in the eye houses light sensitive cells?

Retina contains rods and cones