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While cell membranes might be around every cell, cell walls made of cellulose are only found around plant cells. There are other sorts of cell walls. Many but not all bacteria also have a structure called a cell wall.
Fungi and some protozoa also have cell walls. These walls are made of proteins. They serve the same purpose of protecting and maintaining structure.

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12y ago

The cell wall is found outside the cell membrane in these two types of cells. In plants the cell wall is made of cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin. In bacteria the cell wall is made out of peptidoglycan.

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Q: What structure is found on the outside of the cell membrane in bacteria and plant cells?
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This structure is called a cell wall and it is found in plant cells and bacteria cells.

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The cell membrane is a membrane separating the inside of the cell from the outside environment. This structure is also known as the plasma membrane or the cytoplasmic membrane.

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For plant cells, there is a cell wall outside of the cell's membrane. Animal cells do not have walls, so there is no structure outside of the cell membrane.

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The cell wall is a rigid supporting structure.

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Cell membrane

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the cell membrane allows materials, such as bacteria, to come in or out.It is the outside boundary of the cell that separates the cell from its envornment.