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The nonphotosynthetic cells don't have the chloroplasts because that organelle is what does the photosynthesis

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Q: What structures do photosynthetic cells have that nonphotosynthetic cells don't?
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Which structures in the leaf are responsible for photosynthesis?

there are lots of things that people dont understand and i dont aswell

What is the chloroplast and why dont cells have chloroplast?

Only photosynthetic organisms (organisms that perform photosynthesis), such as plants, some bacteria, and some protistans, have chloroplasts. Animal cells do not have chloroplasts because they do not carry out photosynthesis.

What cellular structures do you see in plant cells but not animal cells?

Why would you ask this? Look it up on google dont waist your time here!

Which pair of structures best shows that plant cells have functions different from animal cell?

plants cells have a cell wall animals dont

Can ducks produce chlorophyll?

No, only plants, algea, photosynthetic protists, and cyanobacteria undergo photosynthesis. Ducks are animals, so they have animal cells. Animal cells are do not have the organelles possible for photosynthesis.

Do virus have specialized structures or internal compartments?

I dont know actually. I had the same question for school. But I think they dont. Virus cells dont live, they need to enter a living cell first.

Why is muscle tissue not found in plants?

There are no photosynthetic tissues in animal cells and muscle cells because these cells use energy that comes from eating food. Only plants have the ability of make energy from sunlight using the process called photosynthesis.

What do animal cells have that plant cells dont?

all animal cells have centrioles but plant cells dont

How does the cells help you in life?

if you dont have cells than you basicly dont have skin

Do red leaves have chlorophyll?

Yes, all plant leaf cells contain chlorophyll or one of the other photosynthetic pigments. The leaves are red, because they have other (photosynthetic)pigments in them which give them their colour

What is a sessile feeder?

(sponges) animals with no tissue and with no definite body plan; they are sessile (they dont move), and they are filter-feeders; they contain choanocytes, which are flagellated cells that serve to keep water moving in through pores in teh sides of the body and out through a large opening at the top; other cells called amoebocytes secrete supporting structures which help hold the sponge upright, these structures can be hard, sharp, crystal-like structures called "spicules" Animals(sponges) with no tissue. They are sessil (they dont move), and are filter feeders. They house choanocytes, which are flagellated cells that keep water moving through pores in ten sides of the body.

What do cells do when they get old?

Cells dont get old