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Caste, just caste correct me If I am wrong. Not miss.pelling

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Q: What system determines a persons job social group and morriage?
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What system determines a person's job social groups and marriage in India?


How is a persons social class determined in a caste system?

by birth.. not wealth..

What system determines a persons job social group and marriage?

A caste. A caste (KAST) is a social group that someone is born into and cannot change. A caste dictates what job you will have, whom you can marry, and with whom you can eat or drink. In India, no one used the word caste, which is the word Portuguese merchants used to describe India's social groups. Indians call these groups jati. Thousands of jati exist in India.

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India's caste system is different from the Aryan social class because the Indian's marriages were only permitted only between persons of the same class. I hope I was a help!

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