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Q: What term describes molecules that attract water or dissolve in it because of their polar nature?
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What is the importance of water in cells?

most cells and tissues contain large amounts of water- up to 95% in some, with an average of 70-80% water throughout all organisms. molecules must dissolve in water in order to move easily in and between living cells. polar molecules, such as sugar, and ions such as Na+, dissolve in water because of an electric attraction between them and the water molecules. non-polar molecules, such as fats and oils, do not dissolve in water.

What allows water molecules to dissociate ionic bonds and or to form hydrogen bonds?

Water molecules can dissolve ionic compounds and form hydrogen bonds because of their high polarity and lone-pair electrons on the oxygen atom.

Why do water molecules break up other polar molecules?

Because water is polar, so when a when a polar solute is put in it will dissolve. Like dissolves like. Polar dissolves polar. Likewise, nonpolar dissoves nonpolar.

What property of water molecules allows them to form a hydrogen bond?

because molecules are attracted to hydrogen just like woman are to man or man are to woman (it is such an easy explanation) and because they contribute to the national chemistry irbecregulation. you could just say their "hotness" attracts each other

Why is water a versatile solvent?

Commonly describes as the "versatile solvent", water is a substance that can dissolve almost anything. Because of this, water in nature and in use is rarely pure, and may have some properties different from those in the laboratory. Salts such as sodium chloride dissolve in water by dissociating as each ion becomes surrounded (spherical shape) by the polar water molecules. This sphere of water molecules around each dissolved ion is called a hydration shell. Shielded by this shell of water molecules, the ions remain in solution because they are no longer affected by attractive forces from surrounding ions.

Related questions

Why do charged and polar molecules dissolve in aqueous solutions?

Because water is polar, and polar solvants will dissolve polar solutes. :)

What will dissolve?

Salt can dissolve in water because the salt molecules hide between the water molecules so that means it can dissolve but it hasn't dissapeared in the water

Why water dissolve so many different substances?

Water can dissolve so many different substances because water has an unequel distribution of positive and negative charges(polar molecule) which attract many ions and other polar molecules.

What type of molecules dissolves in water polar or nonpolar?

Polar molecules dissolve in water. The reason why polar molecules dissolve in water, but not non-polar molecules is because non-polar molecules can't form hydrogen bonds.

What do molecules do in water?

Hydrophobic molecules do not dissolve in water. This is because water is hydrophilic. Another way to say this is that lipids, which are nonpolar, cannot dissolve in water, which in polar.

Which type of molecule dissolves in water?

A non-polar molecule cannot dissolve into water. For example butter, oil, and sand cannot dissolve in water because they are non polar molecules. Adding these to water forms a suspension instead of a solution.This is due to the configuration of water molecules. Water is a polar molecule and attracts and dissolves other polar molecules but doesn't attract non-polar molecules.Oil is one substance that won't dissolve in water because they have different densities, so oil floats on top.

Why oil dissolve in water?

Because oil molecules are non-polar.

What liquids dissolve?

water because of the split molecules and the oxeygens levels

Why can water dissolve most polar ionic compounds?

Because water molecules have partially charged atoms.

Why does honey dissolve in hot water?

Dissacharides are soluble in water because they have polar molecules.

What polar molecules are attracted to water?

Hydrophobic molecules do not dissolve in water. This is because water is hydrophilic. Another way to say this is that lipids, which are nonpolar, cannot dissolve in water, which in polar.

Do sugars dissolve in water?

The molecules of sugar bond with the water molecules. This is because water is a solvent, which are substances that can bond to another kind of subtances easily. Note: Water is considered the universal solvent, because it is considered to be the strongest substance to dissolve most substances.