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Cephalization. Shouldn't you be reading your textbook?

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1mo ago

Cephalization refers to the clustering of sensory structures at the anterior end of an organism, leading to the development of a head region with specialized sensory organs such as eyes, ears, and mouth. This organization is commonly seen in bilateral animals and is associated with increased mobility and complexity.

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10y ago

Cephalization is the concentration of nerve tissue and sensory organs at the anterior end of an organism. It is noted that even hydras have some degree of cephalization.

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Q: What term refers to the clustering of sensory structures at the anterior end of an organism?
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What are sensory structures?

Sensory structures are specialized organs or cells within an organism that detect and respond to specific stimuli from the environment, such as light, sound, touch, or chemicals. They play a crucial role in helping organisms gather information about their surroundings and react accordingly to ensure survival. Examples include the eyes for detecting light, the ears for detecting sound, and taste buds for detecting chemicals in food.

What are sensory receptors?

Sensory receptors are specialized cells or structures in the body that detect certain stimuli from the environment and convert them into electrical impulses that can be interpreted by the brain. They are responsible for our ability to detect and respond to various sensory information, such as touch, temperature, pain, taste, and smell.

What inner ear structure is the most anterior?

The cochlea is the most anterior inner ear structure. It is responsible for hearing and contains the sensory cells that translate sound vibrations into electrical signals sent to the brain.

Which area of the body has the most sensory structures?

The fingertips have the highest density of sensory structures, such as touch receptors and nerve endings. This high concentration of sensory structures allows for precise discrimination of touch and texture.

What do ascending tracts contain?

Ascending tracts in the central nervous system contain sensory information traveling from the body to the brain. These tracts relay signals such as touch, pain, temperature, and proprioception to be processed and interpreted by the brain.

Related questions

What are sensory structures?

Sensory structures are specialized organs or cells within an organism that detect and respond to specific stimuli from the environment, such as light, sound, touch, or chemicals. They play a crucial role in helping organisms gather information about their surroundings and react accordingly to ensure survival. Examples include the eyes for detecting light, the ears for detecting sound, and taste buds for detecting chemicals in food.

Cephalization is associated with what?

a) sedentary life b) predators, but not prey c) concentration of sensory structures at the anterior end d) a sessile existence e) a backbone ANS: C

What is the Concentration of nerve tissue and sensorly organs at the anterior end of an organism?

The concentration of nerve tissue and sensory organs is typically higher at the anterior end of an organism, as this region is involved in gathering information from the environment and coordinating responses. This concentration allows for quicker detection and processing of stimuli to aid in survival and navigation.

What invertebrate group was the first to show cephalization?

The first invertebrate group to exhibit cephalization was likely the flatworms (phylum Platyhelminthes). Cephalization is the evolutionary process of concentration of sensory structures (such as eyes and other sense organs) and nervous tissues at the anterior end of an organism, forming a head region.

Cephalization concentrates sensory organs in the blank of an animal?

Anterior end

What is the function of an anterior ganglia in a planarian?

The anterior ganglia in a planarian acts as the brain of the organism, controlling sensory information processing, coordination of movement, and various physiological functions. It integrates signals from the sensory organs and coordinates responses to stimuli in the environment.

What process does the term cephalization describe?

Cephalization is the process in evolution where nervous tissue becomes concentrated in the front end of an organism, leading to the formation of a head with sensory organs and a brain. This concentration of nerve cells at the anterior end allows for more efficient processing of sensory information and quicker responses to the environment.

What are sensory receptors?

Sensory receptors are specialized cells or structures in the body that detect certain stimuli from the environment and convert them into electrical impulses that can be interpreted by the brain. They are responsible for our ability to detect and respond to various sensory information, such as touch, temperature, pain, taste, and smell.

What has more sensory structures mouth or foot?


What is punctuate distribution of cutaneous receptors?

Cutaneous Sensory Receptors are clustered in certain spots instead of being uniformly distributed. This clustering is called punctate distribution.

What inner ear structure is the most anterior?

The cochlea is the most anterior inner ear structure. It is responsible for hearing and contains the sensory cells that translate sound vibrations into electrical signals sent to the brain.

What are four sensory structures of a rat?

eyes ears whiskers