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1. Gas Exchange... carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body, as well as carrying carbon dioxide from the body back to the lungs.

2. Pathway for transportation.... Carries hormones from the endocrine system so that they can act on their target cells. Carries nutrients to the cells of the body. Carries waste away from the cells of the body to be filtered by the liver and/or kidney.

3. Part of the immune system... Contains white blood cells and antibodies.

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Q: What three ways does blood serve the body?
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What two ways do white blood cells fight infection?

they fight of by killing ants in your body

What are five ways your body maintains homeostasis?

sweating, shivering, fluid flow, blood flow, and blood spreading

What transports oxygen to cells in body?

ways of transporting oxygen (presumably in the human body you are referring to) it is carried in the blood as part of the circulatory system-it is picked up from the lungs through alveoli -majorly carried in the blood as oxyhaemoglobin (oxygen combined with haemoglobin in red blood cells) -some can be dissolved in the blood plasma

What are some ways that the body maintaion homeostasis?

Homeostasis is where the body tries to keep its internal conditions constant. Some of the ways it does this are: sweating which then evaporates and cools down the skin; vasoconstriction, where blood vessels connected to skin capillaries constrict to reduce the amount of blood going to the skin, this reduces the amount of heat lost by radiation from the skin. The body also dilates blood vessels that are connected to skin capillaries in order to increase the amount of heat lost through radiation from the skin. Shivering also maintains core body temperature; when you get too cold your body shivers (contracts and retracts muscles) this causes cellular respiration which releases heat.

What are the ways oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported to the blood?

Air fills lungs, heart pumps non-oxygenated blood to the lungs via arteries where it becomes oxygenated flows back to the heart and flows through the body .....

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By sweating, becoming oily, and preventing water and blood from escaping the body, acting like a barrier.

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blood flows away from the heart, through the arteries,to the other parts of the travels towards the heart from the other parts of the body by veins and finally blood is supplied to the organs by the capillaries.

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carbonic acid, carbamino compounds and dissolved gas

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It is illegal. I'm not going to give the answer.

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