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active transport reguire energy.

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Q: What transport methods require energy expenditure by the cell?
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What is a general type of transport that does not require an expenditure of energy by the cell?

passive transport

A transport process that does not require the expenditure of cellular energy is?

Passive transport... the opposite of active transport.

Do you use active transport in endocytosis or exocytosis?

Yes. Endocytosis and exocytosis are both methods of active transport that require the use of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for energy.

What kind of transport across a membrane does not require energy?

Passive Transport, doesn't require energy.

Distinguish between active and passive transport?

Active Transport is the passage of materials across the membrane through the expenditure of energy. Passive Transport is the passage of materials across the membrane without the expenditure of energy. Bulk Transport is the type of active transport. Diffusion and Osmosis are type of passive transport.

What kind of transport require energy?

Active Transport

What types of transport require ATP?

The two types of cell trnsport it Passive Transport and Active Transport. Active Transport does require energy to move into and out of the cell. Passive Transport doesn't require energy to move into and out of the cell. Hope I helped!

What transport requires energy or no energy?

transport by truck, ship or plane would require energy.

Why do elderly require less energy?

They require less energy as they do not do much work compared to teenagers. They should have less energy intake and less energy expenditure.

What produces energy from the passive transport?

nothing, passive transport doesn't require energy

Does active transport require the cell to expend energy?

Yes, require to spend energy

Describe the two methods of active transport?

The 2 methods of active transport are taking the energy and using the energy to where the cell is doing the work,the cell will transport what is needed and all us done.