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third and above which are the secondary consumers

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Q: What trophic level would a large carnivorous predator be placed?
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What happens to the biomass of the organism as trophic levels increase?

Energy and biomass decrease as the trophic levels increase.The general rule is that only about 10% of the total energy consumed from the previous trophic level will be passed onto the next level as useable energy. As a result it takes a large biomass of producers (plants) to support the total biomass of primary consumers. The primary consumers use the energy they obtain from the plants to maintain body temperature and move or it is lost as waste. Most energy is considered to be lost as heat. This pattern is repeated for secondary consumers and so on. (This is a generality; the amount of energy transferred changes in real situations.)All life is directly related to the original energy source, in most cases the sun. The higher up you go in the trophic level, the less life (overall biomass) that can be supported by the original energy source due to the loss of energy in each level.

If a plant cell is placed in a hypotonic solution water moves into the cell and collects in?

It probably collects in the plant cell vacuoles.

What is the average lifespan for a cod?

Generally, both Atlantic and Arctic cod can live approximately 20 years. This life span may be shortened by any number of things, such as poor water quality, large predator populations, or neurological or genetic problems present from birth.

How does butterfly protects itself?

Butterflies have several means of protecting themselves. Firstly, some are very bright colours. Predators often assume that a bright colour means poisonous. The predator will leave brightly colour prey alone, rather than risk being poisoned. Secondly, a lot of butterflies have what look like eyes on their wings. These eyes appear like larger scarier animals than the predator. This will often deter the predator from attacking.

How trees can be producers and yet the smallest tropic level in a pyramid of numbers?

Trees are very large compared to the organisms they support, such as insects, birds and rodents. A single tree has much more biomass than the consumers depending upon it, meaning it is still the base of biomass pyramids and pyramids of energy. Therefore even if they are fewer in number trees still occupy the producer level of the trophic pyramid

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What is the predator of the blue tang fish?

The predators of the blue tang are Tuna, Bar jack, Tiger grouper, and other large carnivorous fishes.

What is Apex predator?

An apex predator, also known as an alpha predator or top predator, is a predator at the top of a food chain, without natural predators. Apex predators are usually defined in terms of trophic dynamics, meaning that they occupy the highest trophic levels. Food chains are often far shorter on land, usually limited to being secondary consumers – for example, wolves prey mostly upon large herbivores (primary consumers), which eat plants (primary producers). The apex predator concept is applied in wildlife management, conservation and ecotourism.

Are tadpoles carnivores?

No tadpoles are not carnivorous as they eat plants. Large frogs are generally considered carnivorous.

Is andrewsarchus real?

Andrewsarchus was a very large species of carnivorous mammal that lived 35 million years ago in Mongolia. There is much debate on whether it was primarily a scavenger or a predator, based on the shape of it's upper jaw. It was also possibly the largest carnivorous mammal to ever live.

Which is a large carnivorous dinosaur?

a t-rex

What are large carnivorous dinosaurs?

tyrannosaurus Rex

What animals con be the third level consumer?

Producers, (plants) occupy the first trophic level. Herbivores occupy the 2nd trophic level and are considered primary consumers. Carnivores that eat herbivores occupy the 3rd trophic level and are considered secondary consumers. Carnivores that eat other carnivores occupy the 4th trophic level and are considered tertiary consumers. snakes- eat other snakes, alligators- eat snakes and other small carnivores, bears- eat fish that eat other fish.

Why are the numbers of trophic levels limited?

At each trophic level in a food chain, a large portion of the energy is utilized for the maintenance of organisms which occur at that trophic level and lost as heat. As a result of this, organisms in each trophic level pass on less and less energy to the next trophic levels, than they receive.

Can large fish eat sharks?

yes, if it is carnivorous

A tiger is a large carnivorous cat. What is its connotation?


Is the animal lion are carnivorous?

Yes. All cats - large or small - are.

What is an allosaurus?

An allosaurus is an extinct, large, carnivorous dinosaur of the Jurassic period.