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This is a good description of what the tongue does.

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Q: What turns food and pushes it between your teeth?
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What assists in the proper chewing of foods?

Tongue- The tongue actually pushes the food around inside the mouth, placing it between the teeth for chewing.

What do you call food particles stuck between teeth?

It is called "victusinterodenta". which means "food between teeth". Ryyah

What system are teeth in?

The digestive system! they grind up the food and then the tongue pushes it into the throat and then... you know what happens next!right?

The positves about braces for Teeth?

The main positive outcome of braces on teeth is that the patient will have straight teeth, making it harder for food to get stuck between them. There should be no gaps between teeth.

What are the harmful effects of dental caries?

junk food effects teeth because because junk food has a bunch of sucrose in it

How do dolphins' teeth help them to eat their food?

Dolphins have between 45 and 63 small, sharp teeth, which enable them to tear food into smaller pieces.

Is it necessary to floss at all?

Flossing cleans any food particles stuck between teeth. If those food particles are not cleaned, they will cause cavity between teeth and also cause your gum and bone to go away leading to gum disease.

What pushes the food through the digestive system?

The organs that your food passes through pushes it along. E.g: The esophagus (aka: The gullet) squeezes and pushes the food down. That's why you can eat upside down without the food coming back up!

How do horses eat?

1. A Horse uses its lips and muzzle to gather food. 2.The incisor teeth bit it. (The food) 3.Tongue pushes food back to the molar teeth 4. Molar teeth grind food and mix it with saliva 5.Saliva warms food and starts digestion process 6.Tongue forms chewed food into a ball (Bolus) and pushes it to the back of the throat, (pharynx), ready to be swallowed. 7. Soft palate separates nasal cavity from the mouth and lifts it as the bolus is swallowed. 8. The windpipe (trachea) is closed and the bolus passes into the gullet (esophagus) 9.The peristalsis pushes the bolus down the windpipe. This is approximately 4-5 feet long. 10. The bolus passes through the chest, between the lungs and thought the diaphragm into the stomach.

What is the job of the tongue in the digestive system?

The teeth break down the food into smaller pieces for easier digestion. The tongue mixes the food with saliva to break it down further, and also pushes the food down your throat so it can travel down the esophagus.

Why do you use dental floss?

To get out food and other materials that are logged in between teeth.

How sharp are platypuses' teeth?

Adult platypuses do not have teeth. Teeth are not necessary for platypuses, as they "chew" their food by grinding it between horny plates on their upper and lower jaws.