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During metaphase - the second stage of mitosis in the eukaryotic cell cycle - the chromosomes, pulled by the spindle fibers, line up along the middle of the cell, halfway between the centrosomes in the middle of the dividing cell. The chromosomes are now maximally condensed.

In mitosis, individual replicated chromosomes, each composed of two sister chromatids, move to the equatorial plate during this step (whereas during the first division of meiosis, pairs of replicated chromosomes (tetrads) line up at this stage). This lack of pairing between homologs during mitosis is a fundamental distinction between mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis, unlike meiosis, produces identical daughter cells, because each homolog divides into two identical chromatids during anaphase.

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The spindle fibers form and the chromatids line up along the Metaphase plate. Then the nuclear membrane disappears and the homologous chromosomes attach to the microtubles at opposite poles.

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Q: What two things happen during Metaphase?
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What happen to the nucleus during metaphase?

During metaphase, a thin wall is formed in the middle of the cell, cutting it into two equal parts. The thin wall cuts the nucleus into two small nuclei. DAUGHER CELLS

Where are chromosomes located during metaphase?

During metaphase, the chromosomes begin their line up along the metaphase plate, or an imaginary plate located at the midpoint between the two poles of the cell where the centrosomes are located. The chromosomes are placed their by the spindle fiber that are microtubules protruding from the centrosomes and attach to the centromeres.

In which of the stages does each chromosome consist of two DNA molecules?

(From the end of the S phase of interphase through the metaphase of mitosis). In eukaryotes, throughout the entire life of the Cell, also called the cell cycle. During Mitosis the chromosomes are separated.

During which phase of mitosis do sister chromatids aligne at the center of a cell?

Mitosis is the division of cells which create two identical sister cells. Mitosis consists of six different phases including interphase, prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. Metaphase is the part of the cell divison cycle where the chromosomes align in the middle of the cell

What happens in metaphase 2?

During metaphase of meiosis 2, or metaphase II, there are 3 major points. 1st is the chromosomes are positioned on the metaphase plate as in mitosis. 2nd is, because of the crossing over in meiosis I, the two sister chromatids of each chromosome are not genetically identical. 3rd is the kinetochores of sister chromatids are attached to microtubules extending from opposite poles.

Related questions

What happen to the nucleus during metaphase?

During metaphase, a thin wall is formed in the middle of the cell, cutting it into two equal parts. The thin wall cuts the nucleus into two small nuclei. DAUGHER CELLS

During which phase of mitosis do the sister chromatids line up in the center of the cell?

Chromosomes are composed of two chromatids during the prophase and metaphase of mitosis. The chromosomes of formed in prophase and line up in metaphase.

Where are chromosomes located during metaphase?

During metaphase, the chromosomes begin their line up along the metaphase plate, or an imaginary plate located at the midpoint between the two poles of the cell where the centrosomes are located. The chromosomes are placed their by the spindle fiber that are microtubules protruding from the centrosomes and attach to the centromeres.

In which phase do chromosomes align on the spindle equator?

Chromosomes align on the spindle equator during the metaphase. During the metaphase the chromosomes meet on an imaginary line between the two poles.

What stage of meiosis is when chromosomes line up in the center of the cell?

Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell during meiosis.

Chromosomes line up across the middle of the cell?

during cell reproduction the "mother cell" makes a copy of chromosomes and then divides them evenly between two "daughter cells" so the chromosome pairs line up in the center of that division.

When does metaphase occur?

Metaphase occurs during meiosis and mitosis. These processes are how most cells reproduce to make two new cells. Some use binary fission.

What are the two main things that happen during the light reaction of photosynthesis?

you sould learn yourself

In which of the stages does each chromosome consist of two DNA molecules?

(From the end of the S phase of interphase through the metaphase of mitosis). In eukaryotes, throughout the entire life of the Cell, also called the cell cycle. During Mitosis the chromosomes are separated.

Which two factors provide the genetic basis for variations within species?

mutations and sexual reproduction (due to random orientation of bivalents about the equatorial spindle during metaphase I and pairs of chromatids during metaphase II; fusion of male and females gametes during fertilization; and reciprocal crossing over)

What two things happen during meiosis?

chromosomes split and the cell divides The above mentioned two things happen in mitosis also, so the correct answer would be - 1. Exchange of chromatin material by crossing over and 2. Reduction in the number of chromosomes to half.

What happens when mitosis is done?

The stages are as follows: Interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and cytokinesis. A cell will normally spend the majority of its time in interphase (during this time, the cell prepares itself for cell division. Interphase has three phases: G1, S, G2. Growth, synthesis, and growth 2. As already stated, this is all in preparation for cell division. In prophase, the chromatids (genetic material) begin to condense and the centrosomes create spindle fibers. During metaphase, the chromosomes align themselves on the metaphase plate. During metaphase, the chromosomes are pulled apart. During telophase, the separated chromosomes begin to form two new nuclei and the nuclear membrane begins to form. Cytokinesis is the process during which a cleavage furrow develops along the metaphase plate and pinches the two nuclei apart thus creating two separate cells.