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This occurs in the capillaries. These are the smallest of the blood vessels, and this is what makes them ideal for the exchange of substances. Because they are one-cell thick, they are permeable, which allows oxygen and glucose, along with proteins and ions, to transfer into the cells. Meanwhile, carbon dioxide and urea are among some of the waste products that transfer out of the cells and into the capillaries.

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The vessels that carry waste away from the body's tissues are called veins.

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red blood cells

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Q: What type of blood vessel carries wastes away from the body's tissues?
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Define blood vessel?

A blood vessel is a tube shaped organ that carries blood. It carries the blood through the tissues and organs of the human body.

What do the blood vessel carry to the cell?

The Blood Vessel Carries Useful Materials To The Cells And Tissues Of The Body.

What is the thin-walled blood vessel that carries blood from the body tissues and lungs to the heart?

It is a vein.

What is the blood vessel which carries blood from the tissues to the heart?

Veins carry deoxygenated blood from the body back to the heart.

Why does blood go around your body?

Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to tissues and other cells. Blood also takes away wastes from tissues and cells. So the blood replenishes basically everything in the body.

What is the definition of a vein?

Vein-1 type of vessel,a tube that carries deoxygenated blood,co2,and wastes back to the heart

What is the definition of vein?

Vein-1 type of vessel,a tube that carries deoxygenated blood,co2,and wastes back to the heart

What organ system brings the blood to the body?

The cardiovascular system brings blood to the body. You have more than 50,000 miles of blood vessels in your body.

Which type of blood vessel drains blood from tissues and returns it to the heart?

Veins are the type of blood vessel that drains blood from tissues and returns it to the heart.

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what carries other wastes from each body cell

Does the heart carries oxygenerated blood from the heart?

The aorta is the vessel that carries oxygenated blood from the heart. In contrast, the pulmonary artery is the vessel that carries deoxygenated blood from the heart.

What is a tube that carries blood called?

Capillaries are the smallest of the blood vessels. Their thin walls and small size facilitate gas exchange with the body tissues.