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Daughter cells are identical to their parent cells in mitosis. During this form of cell division, somatic cells separate into two identical daughter cells.

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Q: What type of cell division results in cells that are genetically identical?
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How many cells are formed during mitosis and are they identical?

Mitotic cell division, which includes mitosis followed by cytokinesis, results in two genetically identical daughter cells.

What process of cellular division results in two daughter cells that are genetically identical to each other and the parent cell?


Are the cells in mitosis genetically identical?

yes mitosis id the division of gamete cells

What is the result when a cell undergoes mitosis?

A mitotic division results in the formation of two daughter cells that are identical to the parent cell. The parent cell divides into the two daughter cells. The newly formed cells have diploid number of chromosomes (just like the parent cell)

What does Daughter cells produced when cells undergo mitosis are genetically?

2 daughter cells with the same genotype. (However, mitotic crossing over is not unheard of, in which case the 2 cells will not be genetically identical. )

What process produces daughter cells that are genetically identical to there parent cells?

This process is called cell division or mitosis.

Which type of cell division is called the duplication division?

growing a culture of cells which are genetically identical.

Is the genetic information in daughter cells unique or indetical?

The daughter cells that result from mitotic cell division are genetically identical. The daughter cells that result from meiotic cell division are genetically unique.

What results when a single bacterium reproduces?

Two genetically identical daughter cells

What is a cell division process that creates 2 genetically identical dioloid cells?


What do you get from meiosis that you don't get from mitosis?

Mitotic cell division produces two genetically identical daughter cells that are genetically identical to their parent cell. The daughter cells that result from mitotic cell division are 2n, having two sets of chromosomes. Meiotic cell division produces four genetically non-identical cells that are 1n, having only one set of chromosomes. The parent cell for meiotic cell division is 2n.

What is the purpose off cell division in mitosis and meiosis?

In meiosis, cell division produces four genetically distinct daughter cells. Mitosis produces two genetically identical daughter cells.