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Synonymous mutations. These are mutations that happen in the coding regions of genes that change one nucleotide for another. However, because of redundancy in the genetic code (where one amino acid may be coded for by more than one nucleotide sequence) the amino acid sequence of the protein isn't altered.

Mutations that occur in non-coding, non-control regions of the genome also don't affect phenotype.

You may also wish to look at Wikipedia's entry on silent mutations.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Yes, a mutation can occur without affecting the phenotype at all. For example, a point mutation may change a nucleotide in a codon, but sometimes, the codon can still code the same amino acid, so the mRNA strand can still make the same protein.

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12y ago

To create a protein, the DNA contains a code which is made up of A,T,C and G, for example:

AGCTAGCTAGCTA. Each 3 of these 'letters' (bases) make an amino acid, which then go together to make a protein.

If one of these bases is deleted or added, the whole code will change therefore creating different proteins.

However, if one of these is substituted with another base, there are 3 possibilities:

  • One of the 3 bases (triplet code) codes for a different amino acid, changing the protein
  • The letter which is replaced is the same or the code still codes for the same amino acid, so the protein will not be changed
  • The part of the DNA sequence which has been changed does not code for anything (called an intron) therefore will not affect proteins
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13y ago

chromosomal mutation

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Which mutation is the most dangerous?

There is no definite answer to this question many types of mutations can cause death and I'd say that's the most dangerous effect of a mutation. Large Scale mutations, like deletions or amplifications, usually cause the most damage because they effect whole chromosomes. Small Scale mutations are usually less dangerous because they only effect one gene. The worst small scale mutations are insertions and deletions because they change the reading frame. In my personal opinion, harmful mutations that occur in the tumor suppressor genes are the most dangerous because they are what prevent the mutations in cell from being duplicated and without them working a mutated cell can replicate uncontrollably.

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Can an a positive baby be born to 2 o positive parents?

Not normally. There are mutations that occur rarely, which could cause this. Also, the Bombay phenotype appears to be type O unless specifically tested for, but it is not, so if one parent had it, they could have a type A or type B child.

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A phenotype. Phenotypes are observable, physical traits. Genotypes have to do with the genetic coding. Since hair type is visible, it is a phenotype.

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