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Green plants go through photosynthesis. Green plants contain a green pigment called chlorophyll. Well, chlorophyll is actually stored in chloroplasts of plant Cells. Chlorophyll traps sunlight to make food for the Plant. This process is called photosynthesis.

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Q: What type of organisms can go through photosynthesis?
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Do bobcats go through photosynthesis?

No, bobcats do not go through photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a process performed by plants and some other organisms that convert sunlight into energy. Bobcats, as mammals, obtain energy by consuming other organisms, such as smaller mammals, birds, and reptiles.

Do fish go through photosynthesis?

No, no, no and noFish are animal type. Kingdom animalia is free of photosynthesis

How can organisms so deep in the ocean with only a limited amount of sunlight still be able to go through the process of photosynthesis?

Algae and phyoplankton which are the primary photosynthesizing organisms in the oceans, do not live below the level in which they get sufficient light to conduct photosynthesis.

Do all organisms go through the process of photosynthesis Why or why not?

yes, because we live off the carbon dioxide the plants give off.

In what type of organisms does photosynthesis occur?

all plants undergoe photosynsthesis its the reaction to water and carbon dioxide to create oxygen which is essentail to all life

Why does a plant go through photosynthesis?

it goes through photosynthesis to make food.

What oranelle does photosythesise occur?

Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts in plant cells. Only plants do photosynthesis so other organisms don't have chloroplasts as sources of energy, they have mitochondria to get their energy. <not true. some bacteria also have chloroplasts and are able to go through photosynthesis. mleh. :P

When do plants mostly go through photosynthesis?

Does panda goes through photosynthesis?

Pandas do NOT go through photosynthesis. They cannot make their own food in their bodies.

Do plants go through photosynthesis?


Do organisms in the plant kingdom make their own food?

Technically, humans and animals actually EAT their food, but when the food reaches the body, the cells absorb that food. So the answer to your question is NO.

What organelle do eukaruotic cells have that allow them to go through photosynthesis?

they are the chloroplasts. They involve in photosynthesis.