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Usually smooth muscle, that or cartilage because that cushions your bones

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Q: What type of tissue is found between bones?
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Dense irregular connective tissue are not the type found in tendon and ligament because tendon and ligament type of connective tissue binds bones tightly to other bones in one direction and dense irregular connective tissue are not necessarily binding tissues..

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What is a suture in the brain?

A type of joint between the bones of the skull where the bones are held tightly together by fibrous tissue. OR thread-like material used to sew tissue together.

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What kind of tissue is the bone cell found in?

Depends what type of bones you're talking about. Some are found at archeological sites, (such as prehistoric, or dinosaur bones), and others are found inside your body or the bodies of other living things.

What is the most common type of cartilage found between bones in freely moveable joints?

Light micrograph of hyaline cartilage is a flexible connective tissue. This is including the joints between bones. To maintain this, one would need to take glucosamine chondroitin or something similar.

What is the predominant type of tissue at the ends of long bones?

Cancellous bone tissue.

Bone is an example of what type of tissue?

Bones, ligaments, and cartilage are all in the same group of tissue. Bones are considered a specialized form of connective tissue.

What type of conncetive tissue is found between the bone in fibrous joints?


What type of tissue make up your bones?


Type of connective tissue that is classified as compact or spongy?

Bone tissue can be either spongey or compact. Compact bone is found on the walls of the shaft of bones while Spongey bone is found at the ends of the bone where joints are made.

What type of tissue connects muscle to bones?

A tendon is a tough band of fibrous connective tissue that connects muscles to bones