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Q: What types of cells does a scorpion have?
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What types of scorpions live in Nevada?

A few include the bark scorpion, the "hairy" scorpion, and striped tail scorpion, 3 of the (I believe) 24 types of scorpions in Nevada.

Why do the scorpion's respiratory rate begins to decline?

Muscle cells running low on ATP, muscle cells running low on O2, and lactate build-up in the muscle cells.

How do the number of chromosomes in a female scorpion's egg cells compare with the number in her body (somatic) cells?

There are 46 chromosomes in your body cells. The egg cells have half the amount of chromosomes as the body cells, so there are 23 chromosomes in the egg cells.

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two cells types of pancreas are?

T cells and B cells are two types of phagocytes.?

T and B cells are two types of lymphatic cells.

Could a wasp kill a scorpion?

Probably, scorpion spray is just a poison. Here's a ubi: a scorpion will sting itself to death if a drop of alcohol is placed on its back,

What types of cells are brain cells?

nerve cells

Are neutrophils and lymphocytes types of plasma cells?

No. They are types of white blood cells.

What are the three types of stem cells in adults?

Three types of stem cells in adults are hematopoietic stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells, and neural stem cells.

What are the cells in animals called?

Cells. Different types of cells have different names. What type of cells are you talking about? Different parts of a body have different types of cells.

Are T and b cells are two types of phagocytes?

T and B cells are two types of lymphatic cells.

What are the cells that have ability to divide and develop into many types of cells?

A stem cell can develop into other types of cells.