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Q: What uses energy from food to make high energy compounds?
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Uses energy from food to make high energy compounds?

Mitochondria uses energy from food to make high energy compounds that the cell can use to power growth, development, and movement. Chloroplasts use energy from sunlight to make energy rich food.

What organelle that uses energy from food to make high- energy compounds?


What is the organelle that uses energy from food to make high-energy compounds?

mitochondria which can convert energy into high energy compound by ETC

What is the organelle that uses energy from food to make energy compounds?


What is the energy from the sun or energy stored in chemical compounds to make its own food?


What food molecule is used by heterotrophs to make energy?

Heterotrophs are unable to make their food, but consume reduced carbon compounds. The heterotrophs are then able to obtain energy from the food for reproduction and growth.

What organelle uses energy from food to make high energy compound?


What are the organelle that uses energy from food to make high energy compound?


Do fungi make food through photosynthesis?

No they are heterotrophic. They lack chloroplasts to convert sunlight into energy, so they rely on metabolizing organic compounds for energy.

What converts food to energy that the cell can use?

Mitochondria are organelles that convert the chemical energy stored in food into compounds that are more convenient for the cell's use.

What uses an outside energy source to make energy-rich compounds?

green plants

Plastids that use light energy for making food?

Plastids are organelles that are found in the plant cell . Plastids act as the site for manufacture and storage of various compounds. They consist of the photosynthetic pigments which use light energy to make food molecules.