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Q: What visual clues tell you a cell is inter phase?
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What consists of the G1 S and G2 phases of the cell cycle.?

That is false it is the m phase and the Inter-phase, the inter-phase has sub phases, which the s phase is apart of.

During which phase of the cell cycle is DNa replicated?


Interphase preparation for didision?

In the inter-phase preparation for division stage, the cell increases it's own size and copies it's own DNA. The inter-phase is referred to as the living phase of the cell and where the cell performs all of it's duties.

What is the shortest phase of the cell cycle?

The M phase is the shortest while Inter phase is the longest

The time period between cell division is?

Called inter phase .

Does the inter phase and mitosis together constitute the cell cycle?


What includes the phases G1 S and G2?

The phases G1, S, and G2 are part of the cell cycle in which a cell grows (G1), duplicates its genetic material (S), and prepares for cell division (G2) before dividing into two daughter cells through the process of mitosis.

What is the definition of G1 phase?

the first growth phase of the cell cycle consisting of the portion of Inter phase before DNA synthesis begin.

What is the stage where a cell makes a copy of its chromosmes?

It takes place in inter phase. It is the S phase

What is the sequence of events that occurs in the Cell from one mitotic division to the next?

Inter phase including G1, S, G2 and then M phase.

DNA replicates during interphase Why is it important for a cell to have two copies of DNA before it enters the division phase mitosis?

inter phase and ur mind

Is the interphase part of mitosis?

Cause inter phase is part of the cell cycle and mitosis is just the process of nuclear cell division. Answer By: Ac Loyola