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Q: What wave form does Right and left atrial depolarization produce?
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What is the most common type of atrial septal defect?

occurs in the middle of the atrial septum and accounts for about 70% of all atrial septal defects. Abnormal openings can form in the upper and lower parts of the atrial septum as well.

What is the plural form of the word atrium?

Since it is a Latin word the proper plural rendering would be "atria." Some dictionaries simply add an -s to "atrium," though it doesn't sound right.

Can Q fever cause atrial fibrillation?

Yes, it could. It would be seen in the chronic form of Q fever.

What clouds form right before it rains or snows?

Nimbostratus refer to those which produce precipitation, be it rain or snow.

What is the prognosis for patients with atrial fibrillation and flutter?

these arrhythmias can cause a blood clot to form in the heart. This can lead to a stroke or a blockage carried by the blood flow (an embolism ) anywhere in the body's arteries. Atrial fibrillation is responsible for about 15% of strokes

Can produce be an adverb?

Not produce. But there is an adverb form, which is productively.

What is the verb form of production?

The verb form related to the noun production is to produce, produces, producing, produced.The word produce is also a noun form; a word for fresh fruits and vegetables.

How does the haploid form of Ulva switch to its diploid form?

Gametophytes produce cells that undergo mitosis to produce gametes that fuse to form a zygote.

What theory states that if one form of energy can produce a second then the second form of energy should be able to produce the first form?

The theory of conservatio of energy

How much the cost invovled to produce a specific form of animation?

Which form?

What words can be made from the word produce?

There is no adverb form for the verb to produce or the noun produce.There is an adverb form for the adjective productive; the adverb is productively.