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It could be a canker sore caused by the cold virus. It might also be the result of irritation caused by food you ate before drinking the tea; if it does not go away, consult a physician.

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Q: What would cause a blood blister to form in your throat just above your tongue on the left side suddenly after drinking tea?
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What does it mean if you are tongueing someone?

Kissing and then suddenly sticking your tongue in the others mouth (other is usually surprised) and down their throat. ... Top definition. tongue you downunknown · Kissing and then suddenly sticking your ... and down their throat. John said to his girlfriend 'im going to tongue you down' as they were kissing.

What could a blister on your tongue be?


Why do you get blood blister on your tongue?

cuz you bit it

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Do or can people have an extra tongue in their throat?"

Why do you have a blister in your tongue?

This is most likely the result of stage 1 throat cancer, which is usually caused by an infection such as Herpes or HIV. I would suggest seeing a doctor who has a degree in gynocology. Good luck! BTW symptoms can lead to amputation of the throat and loss of genitals.

What could be the cause of the red bumps on the back of your tongue and throat Both your tongue and throat are sore?

Deficiency of the vitamins the tongue sore is the cause to tongue sore.

How do you get a blister off your tongue?

Only thing you can do is give it time to heal.

How does food get from the mouth to the throat?

your tongue pushes it down your throat

What is tongue depressor?

The functions of a tongue depressor is to keep the tongue down long enough to examine the throat area and glands

Can you break a blister on the roof of your mouth?

Yes with a needle or push on it with your tongue. Or you can bite it.

How long does it take for tongue blister to go away?

I have a tongue blister now and its really annoying i read that it takes about 10-14 days for them to go away but the pain should start to settle after 5-6 days.

What does it mean if your throat is sore and your tongue is yellow but there are no other symptoms?

A sore throat can be caused by many things. Although a yellow tongue could be a result of having a strep throat, you also need to look for patches on the tongue or if its hurts or is sensitive to touch. If your throat or tongue is causing you pain, it would be best to go see a doctor about it.