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As the osmotic pressure of water, water going down it's concentration gradient, built up in the cell there would be increasing pressure on the cell membrane and without the vacuole to relieve this pressure the cell would burst.

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1mo ago

Without a contractile vacuole, euglena would not be able to regulate its internal water content properly. This could lead to the cell bursting from excess water intake or becoming dehydrated due to insufficient water expulsion, ultimately leading to the euglena's death.

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11y ago

To get rid of excess water which enters the body through osmosis

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13y ago

Yes. A euglena DOES have a contractile vacuole. It is used to maintain the organism's water balance by expelling excess water from the cytoplasm into the reservoir. :)

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Q: What would happen if euglena did not have a contractile vacuole?
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What would happen to the paramecium if it did not have a contractile vacuole?

The paramecium would have difficulty regulating its water balance, leading to swelling and potential bursting from an influx of water. Without a contractile vacuole, the paramecium would struggle to expel excess water and maintain osmotic balance, ultimately leading to cell damage or death.

If the contractile vacuole stops working the organism will die what happens in the cell?

If the contractile vacuole stops functioning, the cell will no longer be able to regulate its water content effectively. This can lead to an influx of water, causing the cell to swell and potentially burst. Additionally, the build-up of excess water can disrupt important cellular processes, ultimately leading to the death of the organism.

If a paramecium were to swim from a hypotonic environment to an isotonic one would the activity of its contractile vacuole increase or decrease?

If a paramecium were to swim from a hypotonic environment to an isotonic one, the activity of its contractile vacuole would decrease. In a hypotonic environment, the contractile vacuole works harder to expel excess water influx, but in an isotonic environment, there is no need for as much water regulation.

Why do protists need contractile vacuoles?

Protists need contractile vacuoles to regulate their internal water balance. These organelles help expel excess water that enters the cell through osmosis, preventing the cell from bursting. Contractile vacuoles help maintain the proper internal environment necessary for protists to function.

Why contractile vacuoles would be of little value to one cell organisms living in the ocean?

I do get it,for the organism living in the hypertonic salt water(ocean) the contractile vacuole is most not needed since the water in the organism are already on thier way out!

Related questions

How does the Euglena regulate its internal environment?

The Euglena regulates its internal environment through a contractile vacuole which helps maintain the balance of water and ions within the cell. The contractile vacuole collects excess water and expels it from the cell, preventing it from swelling and potentially bursting.

What would happen if the paramecium didn't have contractile vacuole?

i don't know sorry

What would happen to the paramecium if it did not have a contractile vacuole?

The paramecium would have difficulty regulating its water balance, leading to swelling and potential bursting from an influx of water. Without a contractile vacuole, the paramecium would struggle to expel excess water and maintain osmotic balance, ultimately leading to cell damage or death.

What is the problem with Euglena?

The disadvantages of euglena are mostly related to its structure and the fact that there is a debate that never ends on whether it is a plant or animal. The lack of routine genetic analysis is the main disadvantage.

Why is the contractile vacuole such an important organelle in Paramecium?

The contractile vacuole helps regulate osmotic pressure by pumping out excess water that enters the cell. Paramecium lives in freshwater environments where osmotic pressure fluctuations can be harmful. The contractile vacuole is critical for maintaining proper internal water balance and preventing cell bursting.

Why is a contractile vacuole essential to the survival of the amoebae and the paramecium?

A contractile vacuole helps amoebae and paramecium regulate the water content within their cells by periodically expelling excess water to prevent them from bursting due to osmotic pressure. Without a contractile vacuole, these organisms would be vulnerable to cellular damage from fluctuations in hydration levels and could potentially die from osmotic stress.

The contractile vacuole of a paramecium should be active when the paramecium is in what environment?

The contractile vacuole of a paramecium is active in environments with low water salinity or high water concentration, where excess water needs to be removed to prevent the cell from bursting or undergoing lysis due to osmotic stress.

Is a contractile vacuole a food passageway?

No, some single celled organisms, protists, generally, live in hypotonic solutions of fresh water and if they did not have a method to " bail " out this water their cell would burst. So the contractile vacuole, which has filament motive forces, fills with water and then contracts which squirts the water out of the cell.

Why does amoeba die when cyanide is added to its water?

Cyanide is a toxic acid or salt and is deadly to just about any carbon based human life form. When Cyanide is added to the water of an Amoeba it stops the contractile vacuole from working, the contractile vacuole is vital in the survival of the Amoeba, because without it the Amoeba would basically just explode with water and die. The contractile vacuole pumps away the excess water. But, when cyanide is added to the water like I said the contractile vacuole will malfunction and not work. This will in the end result in the death of the cell.... I hope that helped!! :)

If the contractile vacuole stops working the organism will die what happens in the cell?

If the contractile vacuole stops functioning, the cell will no longer be able to regulate its water content effectively. This can lead to an influx of water, causing the cell to swell and potentially burst. Additionally, the build-up of excess water can disrupt important cellular processes, ultimately leading to the death of the organism.

If a paramecium were to swim from a hypotonic environment to an isotonic one would the activity of its contractile vacuole increase or decrease?

If a paramecium were to swim from a hypotonic environment to an isotonic one, the activity of its contractile vacuole would decrease. In a hypotonic environment, the contractile vacuole works harder to expel excess water influx, but in an isotonic environment, there is no need for as much water regulation.

What is the function of the contractile vacuole in a protozoan?

Living in fresh water, a hypotonic environment, causes water to enter the cell of certain protists (protozoa ) and would lysis the cell unless there were a way to expel this water. This is what contractile vacuoles do. When the fill with enough water microfilament contraction expels the excess water from the vacuole and helps the cell maintain internal isotonicity.