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ATP + H2O → ADP + Pi + Energy

ATP = Adenosine Triphosphate

ADP = Adenosine Diphosphate

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ADP. Also called as adenosine bi phosphate. Plus energy.

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Q: When a ATP is broken down the products are energy phosphate and?
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When ATP is broken down the products are energy phosphate and?

When ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is broken down, the products are energy, phosphate, and ADP (adenosine diphosphate). ATP--> ADP + P + Energy.

What are the products when ADP is broken down in cells?

ATP or Adenosine Triphosphate is broken down into ADP or Adenosine Diphosphate and phosphate. Energy is released as a result of this breaking down.

What will form when ATP is initially broken down?

ADP + phosphate + energy

What released when ATP is broken down into ADP and one phosphate?

Energy. Breaking the phosphate bond in ATP releases 31Kj mol-1 Energy. ATP = ADP + Pi + Energy

When ATP is broken down what are the products?

ADP + P + Energy

What does atp supply that fuels cell activities?

ATP stands for adenosine Di-phosphate. When cells need energy,then ATP can be broken down using water to release energy. It contain tri phosphate (three phosphate groups )

What results from the breakdown of ATP?

It is recycled by added a phosphate group to it to make ATP again.

What bond in ATP breaks to release energy during the formation of ADP?

The major molecule involved in energy release and storage is ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE. It contains a large ADENOSINE molecule connected to three PHOSPHATE groups via PHOSPHATE bond. When the bond that connects one of the three PHOSPHATE groups to the ADENOSINE molecule is broken down, energy is released. The resulting molecule would be ADENOSINE DIPHOSPHATE, one free PHOSPHATE group and energy.

What are the products when water is broken down by electrolysis?

The two products when water is broken down by electrolysis is hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. The energy source in photosynthesis is light energy.

Most of the energy released when food is broken down during cellular respiration is in the form of what?

ATP is the bodies energy currency.

How is energy releaded from ATP?

The bond between the third phosphate molecule and the second in the ATP molecule is broken down and energy is released. Because it is an exergonic reaction.

When ATP is broken down by water what three products does it produce?

ADP, Protein and Energy